XVI-The Al Najjars

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Family is not an important thing.

Its everything

-Michael J Fox

XVI-The Al Najjar's

Rox's house is a mansion,a castle,so beautiful an article should be written on it,cars lined under the canopy,the fountain situated in the middle shimmered blue,i waved at Mohammed the gardener.

"As-salam alaykom"

I replied"Wa Alykom As-salam"


The large body ran into me throwing me on the leopard fur rug as soon as i got in.You'd think the hunk of muscles is a football player when he's actually a doctor,yep this 20 year old doofus is a to be doctor

"My,how did we get here?"He teased pressed on me gray eyes shimmering,he smelt like hand sanitizer.

I wrap my leg around his waist tighten my core hurting his hips then butt his head with mine."Kol Khara"

"Aryeh feek !"Hakim cried out rolling off of me nursing his head.His dark hair so black it seemed there were traces of ink blue

"I thought you well"Someone ruffled my hair,i looked up to see Iqbal grinning at me,i take his outstretched hand then crash into his sturdy chest.He's a pharmacist,dressed in dress pants and a white and black vest tee.

"Iqbar!Its good to see you"

"You too,you grew shorter,that's good"That's how we greet each other commenting on our height even though its not reducing.I laughed snuggling deeper into my cuddly teddy bear.His stubble tickled my forehead.

"Ow Jemma you hit like a boy,i think i'm having an aneurysm"Hakim whined from the floor finally getting up.Kat stood to the side drooling over Rox's brothers probably remembering when she had a crush on all of them

Didn't we all

Her brothers,Kol and Kai did not come along,scrunching their faces in disgust and saying ew at the same time.Turns out their grown ups now and wouldn't like to hang out with girls but rather in a friends house playing COD.

"Boohoo you're a doctor,fix up"

"I honestly don't know how he got admitted,he's an idiot"The new voice says,idiot is the last thing on Hakim's list,he's a genius.I used him to do my homework back then so trust me,i know.

"Omar, don't you look dapper"Omar is Rox's third brother,he's 32, eight years older than Iqbal.He has his glasses on and they amplify that CEO look,he is the CFO of the family business after all,a serious man with a fat account.

"I try"He shrugged,modesty at its finest then opened his arms i lunged into it wrapping my legs around his waist"Missed you too monkey muffin"

"You smell like food"I bit the collar of his dress shirt,he was in a suit the suit jacket missing.

"Don't eat me,i taste bad"


Then the COO descended the double spiral stairs with gold railings smirking,he's 28"Well,well,well,if it isn't the troll that is Jemma."

I shot my tongue out,my chin on Badr's shoulder.Badr smelled like old spice,infact all of them smelled like different tones of old spice and nivea.

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