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I'm certain if he was a weather he would be winter,just like his name,the past few days had been quite different with him as my neighbour,I would catch my self peeking at him as he lounged in the terrace eyes shut and headphones in ear or yell at him and his friends when they play cool beat mixes loudly.

I can now tell the difference between the Ho twins,impressive right?

Plus I've decided to become his friend,yes I hate him,I thought I made that clear earlier but didn't a wise one once say keep your friends close and your enemies closer?and if I really want to take revenge on him I have to do that.I must learn from Iago so that's why I called out" Psst Frost.What's got you so worked up?!"

He threw his head back in a frustrated manner the sun catching that face of his,his hair was already outgrowing the usual a curly mass of black on his head,his headphones lounged on his neck,it's a shame how one could look like a girls dream in just distressed denims and a tank top."I thought this day couldn't get any worse.You just proved it could"

I flashed him a toothy grin and hopped over the little picket fences"Aye good morning to you too"

"There's nothing good about this morning wolf" He grumbled sitting on his porch

"Come on,Sober Sue you woke up healthy didn't you?"

He peered up at me"I don't have Möbius Syndrome,sunshine"

"Wait,you know her?"

"Of course.I know a lot of things"

I scoffed"Arrogance"

"I prefer the word confidence"He added boredom evident in his flat tone.I sucked on my lips and checked the time 7:45.Gosh,I thought,I'm gonna be late.Contemplating on my comfortability and awkwardness I chose the later then sat on the porch one meter away from him and brought my knee to my chest.

" Want to hear a joke about nitrogen oxide?"He only glanced at me anthracite orbs inquisitive.


I laughed and he raised a brow"I knew you'll say that.You're so readable.Nitrogen oxide is NO"

"You're not funny Sinclair"

"I think these jokes are sodium funny. In fact, I slapped my neon that one!"

"Wait, are all these jokes too basic for you? Because I see no reaction"His lips twitched by the edges,so quick to not detect under normal circumstances.

"You smiled!"

"No I did not"

"You definitely laughed!Ha I'm so funny"

"Yeah too funny,Trevor Noah has a run for his money"

"Are you being sarcastic right now?"

"I don't know wolf,am I?" and then he gave an open lipped smirk.It lasted for lesser than five seconds,immaculate straight pearly whites with curiously long canines leered at me.

I wanted to comment on his wickedly sharp teeth when the door swung open and two little girls ran out tripping on their feet.

"Fxck!" Jordan swore lunging for the child that was falling down the stairs,luckily the second one bumped into my back,falling into my lap sending me rolling down the short steps clutching her to my chest.

I'm gonna die.

The tumble finally stopped and I blinked releasing a pained groan the sun scorching hot

"Again!Again!" The little girl on me giggled clapping her tiny hands.Honestly it sounded like agwain agwain but my mind had its own autocorrect.

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