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This chapter is dedicated to George Perry Floyd, its not really about black people but I just felt like doing that😕😔When I tell some people my username on social media handles is BlaqProtagonists they look at me like I belong in a asylum but honestly,they just don't get.

I can't breathe

-George Floyd

Driving,to me is as difficult as differentiating the Romania flag from Chad's.The 4th trashcan I had somehow managed to hit toppled over,the sleek tyres of Kaleb's Ferrari crunching plastic and paper bags,yes,he had a Ferrari.Sonething unnormal for a normal seventeen year old but since his dad happens to be the mayor and his mom a model why not?

Naturally he wouldn't let me drive his car after various failed attempts on teaching me how but I can still drive a little expect parking and swerving and reversing.

"JT don't kill my car.You're like an angry lion right now" He pleaded from the backseat because he was too scared to call shotgun,well they all were except Kat who was praying for forgiveness of sins for better chances of crossing the pearly gates

Ha!Fat chance!

She's a sinner soaked in sin

"Angry lions are going to look tame next to what I'm going to do to you at home"I gritted swerving the car from hitting a mail box,it just ended up destroying dandelions on a persons lawn.

I'm sorry Mrs Henshaw

" Ooh that's what she said!"Chase said and i glared at the pervert from my rear mirror,he instantly winced,grey eyes widening after i slit my finger on my neck.

Yeah, that's right get mad because when your parents see y'all this way they gon question me like I'm the wikipedia.Turns out they think I'm the balance this friendship needs.

They all looked swell...literally,Neels our friendship circle's brainy smurf well computer smurf-cause i might as well taken the other position- who shys away from a fight has a pink tinge on his nose,his hair is now loose falling on his shoulders and he ran it back,the curls bouncing

"Neels what are you doing?"He appeared startled.Good


"Nothing?!"I barked and turned back he flinched into the plush seats" I'm as mad at you as an erupting volcano and you're over there sitting and looking like young Harry Styles?!Who the frack do you think you are?!"

No one looks like Haah-ry!

"JEMMA LOOK OUT!" Kat yelled and the boys chorused as i ran into a brick wall,too late I whipped around the collision jerking me forward,smartly I cushioned the steering wheel with my hand then stared up at the evil wall with a graffiti of a man with devil horns,wings and a Bible in hand brightened by the flickering headlights.

"Jemma you did not just-!"

Guess we're walking.


I ran my hand through my hair pretending to not feel the glare on their faces as I pushed our house door the normal screeching on the floor announcing our presence.The sittingroom was dark as I fumbled on the side of the wall searching for the light switch when a hand covered mine and presses with his finger.I giggled flicking Kaleb's searching hand away and clicked the light switch on but not bothering trying to see if it could be balanced in the on-and-off like I usually did when I was younger.

"So who's ready to tell me what Jin Ho was talking about?"

"Absolute rubbish that's what" Chase said shrugging
off his leather jacket

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