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Moonlight drowns out all of the beautiful stars

-The Lord Of the Rings

I have had a lot of kill me moment.

Like when I think I'm done with the dishes then turn and see pots on the gas cooker,or that one time I peed in the pool in a party and the water turned blue or that time i wore white shorts and pranced around cause it made my butt look sexy as frack then got home and saw a huge red stain or that time I farted while dancing in class or that time my teacher saw me in Target with a pack condom and handcuffs or that time Kaleb shaved my eyebrows two days before a game or that time...you get it.

But let me tell you,this tops all those times because Kaleb Reagan my all time crush slash best friend slash captain of the basketball team slash the hottest boy in Erakab highschool has his bang bang there goes your heart body pressed above me,hand in my shirt K-I-S-S-I-N-G me.

La La Land

His blue-green eyes widened the pupil dilating,his hair brushed my forehead and the tingles that spread through my body had me throbbing somewhere other than my heart.

Who knew that could happen to me?

I didn't know whether to be offended or gasp or maybe even faint when he scrambled off me like I was on fire,eyes wide,cheeks and ears tinged pink with hands running through his silky hair.

"Jemma I'm so sorry,so so sorry"

"I'm not" I blurted out then clasped my hand over my mouth eyes wide,he stared me jaw dropped,everyone had their phones out camera flashing"I mean,yeah,no,i am,what the-"He pulled me up by the hand intertwining over fingers,I stared down at the brown and white puzzle.

"You seem jumpy" He said an amused smile on his face as he tweaked my fluffy hair that always smelled like coconut oil and shook the straw in my face

"I-" How can he smiling right now?My heart was beating more than usual I'm afraid it was gonna fly out of my ribcage and splatter everyone with blood,OK maybe not a good thought but my head was not filled with good thoughts at that moment.Really not good,as in perverted not good

He ducked to meet my face a smirk plastered on it"Hello,is your wiring fried?"

"wnadroj"What the hell did I just say?!

" I know I'm a good kisser J-"

"What?Please i-" Just then I cut myself off fully aware of the recording phones and just behind Kaleb's shoulder is my assistant photographer grinning and taking pics like he just won the lottery.

Holy Shrap

That can only mean one thing.

I fainted

I fainted

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