XIII-The Reprisal Contract

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Chapter Thirteen°•°The Reprisal Contract

"What's the difference between an empananda and a meat pie?"Jordan scrutinized the pastries I had ordered for our very important meeting.

My eyes drooped as I fidgeted in my seat the eyes of our school mates on us i could hear the whispers and formulated theories,bruh i just wanna sleep.

I hadn't gotten enough sleep last night because I had spent it thinking about Jordan's plan.The proposal of getting back at my best friend/crush sounded tantalizing but then again he is the real enemy and most of all what would my friends think?What would diamond think?

I picked up my laptop and FaceTime-ed her(i couldn't tell her)it was afternoon over there and when we hanged up it was still dark so I took the liberty on setting up rules and regulations by the time I was done with the contract I went for an early morning run, imagine my fright when I saw a long silhouette in all black jumping out of Jordan's terrace and into the woods at the back.

It was him.

Mom was in the kitchen making her famous chicken soup,I was a bit confused at first because she really cooks it when the thermometer was above the normal temperature degree.Jayden was in bed as hot as hell yet shivering under the covers.It wasn't the flu it was malaria as in mosquitoes.Now where did he encounter those little vampires?

Kat and Rox pulled up with the hummer,it seemed empty till I noticed Kaleb,Chase and Neels weren't coming.Which is weird.Kaleb was grounded because-i blanked out not wanting to hear more about him,out of sight,out of mind.Neels was too bothered about getting a limited technology for his laptop to come to school.

"Dude why aren't you in school?"I demanded as I slammed the locker shut the girl beside me squeaking in fear

"That's a special way of saying hello"He said his voice nasal and when he breathed it was a wheeze.

" Hello,can you hear me?"I sang

"Haha very funny"

"Why aren't you in school?"I narrowed my eyes at Kat as she leaned on the wall pretending to still be mad at Drew as he leaned close to her whispering in her ear,a hand on the wall beside her head.Her cheeks were flaming red as see twirled her locks around her finger.

"I"m sick.I got the-"


"No,some sick throat disease from a babe i made out with"

"Why am i happy that happened to you?"I asked grinning

"Masochistic Troll"

"Walking STD"

"Fuck off JT"He then coughed wheezing"Fuck i'm not making out with an avani lookalike ever again"

"Hey take that back avani is cool"

"When are you going to follow me back?"Chase is a star on tiktok,people just get popular on there for silly things like their looks,i post a video of me in a game and what did i get?comments saying 'hey,are you that ChaseRyder01's chick?' Just because we did a duet together.

"Dude never because i deleted tiktok.I can't handle the hot guys"

After our talk i got to math class and i felt like death when the Mr Fernandez our teacher brought out a surprise math test.I hate surprise tests.Then i had to do this essay on Oliver Twist which i honestly don't see its need in my life.My heart was already beating erratically when it was time for practice and as i approached coach who was yelling on Roosevelt it increased.

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