XII-sweet sixteen

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To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

-Theodore Roosevelt


Do you ever just feel like God wasted him time cresting some people?

"Every time I think of all the people that haven't met you, I get jealous."

"I'm sorry, was I meant to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face."

I clutched the pen tightly wishing I could just ram it into her eyes and pull it out of her butthole dragging all the wasted organs out but I can't do that because MJ Cafe only butchers animals in the kitchen.

"If i had a face like yours I'd sue my parents"

"Please keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested" She yawned for good measure,Tiffany and Champagne giggled and highfived her.

Dang,she was winning today and I don't blame her,I've had a crappy day not only did my first kiss embarrass me it also hurt me when he woke up clueless also my body felt like it had been plummeted by the hulk hundred times over thanks to coach,after the intense training there's no way we're letting the Dunkin Dragons win on Saturday.That state championship is ours.After them then eleven more schools to battle against before we become the best team in Florida.

Oh and my mom had forced me into waitressing when I should be snoring or best, skating in the rink,I had some new moves to show off.Julio better be happy!

"What do you want Mae Lee?" I asked withdrawn with slumped shoulders,her face flickered with surprise and if I'm high,worry.She was in a Prada jumpsuit and sneakers,her orange hair in Ariana Grande style.

Wow,the devil really does wear prada

"Why your mom's wonderful pasta ofcourse, I miss that" She said eekishly sweet batting those bright eyes at me.

"I thought your kind only ate grass?"

"You baffle me,Jem" I wanted to slap her for calling me that,she had no right to call me that,not anymore"just because I put on makeup and eat right you label me as a bitch?"

"I never said that,you just labeled yourself"

"But that's what you think don't you?and whisper with your friends"

"Oh my,look who developed telepathic powers over the years and news flash Itsuka Kendo,my friends and I don't talk about you"

"But you did once upon a time Yoruichi Shihouin"She smirked and my memory flashed back to that time specifically 26 months ago.

The problem I have with Mae Lee is that she knows were to hit, were it hurts.She's never dumbstruck or short of comebacks and it gets tiring because in the movies I watch,her kind don't have good comebacks.

Hollywood lie.

" Unlike you Regina George I have a job to attend to"I turned on my heel to leave when she dropped the bomb.

"Ever wondered why Kaleb wasn't in your sixteenth birthday? It was because he was screwing my brains out.He really did love me,that boy"

He really did and sometimes I fear he still does,i walked away the memory gnawing at my insides.

Like Boys In BooksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora