XV-Halsey's bad at love

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XV-Halsey's bad at love

I dropped my textbook

"Ooh Fat Jemma can't see without her glasses!"They chortled as i tapped the floor searching for my seeing aid in the blurry world

A feet kicked into my side sending me flying into the lockers,they erupted into united laughter,i groaned clutching at my sides when i was yanked up by the collar and a blow connected with my teeth.

I screamed thudding to the ground,tears running down my eyes,i had just gotten braces.

"Oh poor you,"A feet dug into my stomach twisting its shoe in the delicate skin"Jayden isn't here to save you this time"

And then he dragged me up pinned to the lockers my wrist above my head then kneed my stomach,i spluttered choking on blood"Oh look,she doesn't bleed blue"

They took turns ramming into my belly and when i almost passed out i heard a battle cry and fight sounds,crunches filled the air as i twisted like a foetus on the ground.

And just when i was two second away from slipping into unconsciousness soft delicate hands gripped my shoulders and said to me"gwaen cha na?"




And many other words littered my locker in colorful sharpie,whispers surrounded me,i couldn't quite get it but it didn't sound nice.

Just then clicking of boots on the linoleum floor tore my attention from the vandalism.

She handed me the edition of today's paper,her manicured stiletto nails a bright blood red.On the face was a picture of Jordan and I in my moms cafe staring intently at each other,his lips wrapped around the straw my gaze on it.

He had just told me he always had a lip piercing but removed it due to his grandparents.

Erakab's Wolf seen canoodling with Gelna's Panther.

We all know the vendetta between these two teams,we're not new to this but why?Why will Jemma our co-captain cheat on Kaleb just when he decided to settle down

On the second page was of today,the boys in a stare off with me on the middle.

Team Panther or Team Wolf

It seems the taste for heartbreak runs in the friendship,would we be seeing JT's nudes soon?

I squeezed the paper and tossed it into the trash can,it landed perfectly and i whipped around"You lot are retarded to do this!"I yelled then fumbled with my combination.

"Jordan huh?"She said smirking whilst leaning on the locker beside me,the owner stood to the side scared to call her out.I glared at her and she laughed,a soft melody"Hey, don't kill the messenger"

The locker finally opened and i shoved my textbooks in except the maths.Just great,my worst subject first thing after this.I looked like i'd been smashed by Wreck It Ralph due to the whispers and questions around.

One girl even had the audacity to ask me who kisses best.

I mistakenly doused my milkshake on her.

"When i get my hands on Clarissa i'm gonna strangle her"

"It wasn't Clarissa"


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