Chapter 14: Unpredictable Man

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*Angel POV*

It's Friday, and it's been four days since my Tape Room class with Michael. It started off with a lot of stress, then it proceeded to be one of the best revelations I ever had in my life; I'm not a virgin anymore. He made me realize that and be ok with it. But the ending of the class, it sucked, to say the least. I left with a serious face and a confused train of thought. Michael was different. He was cold.

*Flashback to Angel leaving Michael's office*

"So what are your thoughts on your first room Angel?" Michael asked while we got dressed in the Tape Room.

"I think it's very creative that you have different rooms for every class. I thought you'd be like Christian Grey and have one red room for everything. At least I nailed it on the red part." I smiled and watched him fix his white tie.

"Oh no dollface, Christian Grey is too bland. I appreciate his dominant skills though. That room had some of the finest sex toys in the market. But Anastasia is the stupidest submissive there is, she ran off crying like she didn't sign up for it, and I could tell she enjoyed it just as much as him. But don't let me get started on HIM, his personality is just like his ties, Grey."

"It's a LOVE story, don't hate on it." I laughed and heard Michael spit a 'UGH' sound. "Excuse me what do you know about Fifty Shades and sex toys? And are you secretly a dom or something?" I widened my eyes and raised my eyebrows.

Michael sighed and opened the door. "Angel, I don't think you've got it clear yet." he looked back at me, "I'm a SEX instructor."


"You didn't answer the dom or sub question though." I poked his chest to push him back, which was a failed attempt. He looked down at the spot I had poked him and looked back at me.

"What do you think I am Angel?" Michael kept a straight face and stood in front of the door letting me go out first.

"I don't know." I replied in all honesty while walking out to the hallway. Even though he does radiate dom energy.

"Well then don't ask." Michael stated coldly while shutting the room lights and closing the door slowly.

"So you're not gonna answer?" I asked playfully a few seconds later to try and ease the tension between these walls.

"I'm...versatile." Michael answered with a straight expression and locked the door with its corresponding key.

"Wh-...." I lingered a confused frown. What the fuck does that even mean? I mean I know what versatile means but is it some kinda sex slang for him or something? I'm not even going to ask because it seems that with each of my questions the atmosphere gets stranger and weirder. A bad weird. HE seemed out of place, his face wasn't the same as some minutes ago.

"Hold on, I forgot to do something, stay right there." Michael said as he unlocked the door and went back in.

I stood there staring at the bright red light that made my vision a little blurry. Every door looked dark and the lights were such a deep shade of red that you couldn't even see the end of the hallway. I was right under the AC vent and I could feel the freezing air traveling down to me, raising goosebumps all along my arms and chest. Since I only had the black tank top on and my hoodie was resting on my forearm, I shuddered in coldness and a bit of fear.

I don't know why I felt this whole scary vibe. Everything smelt like a well cleaned but abandoned building. Call me crazy but in figurative language, it smelt lonely. All you could hear was a far echo sound from the AC which made everything creepier. I don't understand, when I got here with Michael everything seemed so cool, mysterious, and sexy. But now it's all lonesome, scary and cold. Maybe it's because I'm not with Michael. Yeah...that's it. I'm just gonna go look for him.

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