Chapter 2: Hisagi Shuhei

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It's been a few months now.

I've been gathering all types of information about Soul Society in general.

First, Rukongai, Rukongai is where I am currently, it's the area surrounding Seireitei in Soul Society, where most souls dwell until they are reincarnated into the Human World. It is divided into 80 districts in each of the north, south, east, and west, including Junrinan, Hokutan, Inuzuri, Kusajishi, Zaraki, and North Alley of Wandering Spirits.

Then there's Seireitei, Seireitei is the city at the center of Soul Society where the Shinigami live. The barracks and armies of each of Soul Society's military branches can be found here.

There's also Shino Academy, sometimes called the Shinigami Academy, the Shino Academy is an institution founded by Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto which trains Souls with spiritual powers for each of the three military arms of Soul Society.

One of the best things about being a Shinigami, their jobs certainly seem like something they just have to do because they're Shinigami and not something that is actually a profession.

But contrary to that belief, Shinigami do get paid for their services, which is probably a great incentive to show up for work to shepherd those lost souls. On top of that, they can earn a bounty for killing Hollows. A steady salary and the possibility to earn commissions? That sounds like a pretty good deal.

Considering how souls with reiatsu experience hunger, I need money and food. When I first experienced hunger, I was honestly surprised. Some kid with spikey white-silver hair informed me when I collapsed in front of his grandma's home. His name was something like "Shiro." I don't really remember.

So I've decided to become a shinigami.

Now to get into the academy, applicants to the academy must pass an entrance exam to be admitted, and likely must demonstrate that they have some Reiatsu. The entrance exam seems to be open to any and all who wish to apply, resulting in a wide range of individuals of all ages joining.

That means, someone like me, who is 18 years old. Could join without being considered too young or too old.

There's a written exam that tests my understanding of Soul Society's structure, the names and abilities of the current Gotei 13 leaderships' Zanpakuto, and the number and names of certain Kido.

Hence, why it took a few months of gathering information before deciding to take the exam.

Looks like I just arrived, there are lots of different people waiting around in front of the building.

I looked up at the white banner to confirm my location, "Entrance exam for Shino academy."

Let's see if I can get in on the first try.

This is getting pretty interesting, I wonder just what I could achieve. To be honest, I'm already bouncing in anticipation.

Excitement, huh.

That's new.


Based on my memory of Japanese traditional clothing, the uniform I received looks like a red shitagi (undershirt), a white kosode (shirt) with red stripes, red hakama (trousers), white socks, and sandals.

Bless Tanaka Sensei for drilling all the minor details of Japanese culture and history into my head. I'll give her a small prayer before I leave for school.

Snort, I can't believe I'm going to school again. Just when I graduated from high school too! I would cry if I weren't so apathetic.

Even so, this class schedule is absurd. We're learning the basics of 12 topics in our first year. I have to relearn human history, Japanese writing, and maths, It's ALL required.

No wonder that I passed so easily...

Turning a corner, the school building finally came into view. Many students entered the school wearing the red and blue uniforms that contrast by gender, I look down at my own uniform to double-check. It looks like I somehow managed to put it on properly.

I blended in with the students as I walk ahead. When I looked to my right, something seemed to have caught my eye. A tattoo on one of the boy's cheek, "69." it said. I rose my eyebrow in interest and walked up to the guy.

"Hi! My name is Suzuki Ichika what's yours?" I asked him, keeping a curious smile. He looked slightly surprised and took a few seconds before answering, "Hisagi Shuhei, a pleasure to meet you."

He's pretty formal compared to how his tattoo describes him, he's quite interesting.

"Okay, Hisagi-Kun, Do you want to be friends? If not, then study partners?" I asked him with slight curiosity, he faced away from me suddenly before turning back, "Just being study partners is fine."

After talking a little I discovered what classes he was in.

We are categorized based on our results from our entrance exams, there are three programs.

Class 1: Special Accelerated Program

Class 2: Gifted Program

Class 3: Standard Program

I ended up in Class 2, Hisagi was in class 3

We compared our class schedules and discovered that we shared IS1 (Introduction of Swordsmanship 1), Maths, DS1 (Duties of Shinigami 1), and FH1 (Footwork of Hoho 1).

We separated when it was around time for the first period to begun, I had IR (Intro to Reiatsu) first period.

I arrived in time for class to begin, the teacher walked in, he wore white haori that are similar to those worn by the Captains of the Gotei 13. The difference is that the rims of the jacket are laced with a purple stripe running down the jacket's edges, and it is tied by a golden thread.

"Kiritsu! Rei! Chaku seki!" With each command from the teacher we stood, spoke in greeting, and sat back down.

"Here in this lesson, you'll learn the basics of Reiryoku and Reiatsu-" The teacher began introducing the materials for this lesson, while we all were taking notes as he spoke.

I continued going to different classes until the 5th period came along, maths with Hisagi.

When I arrived, Hisagi was already there.

"Looks like we meet again, Hisagi-kun," I said as I sat next to him.

He looked up in slight surprise, "Y-Yeah." He answered bewildered.

I guess he's just used to being isolated, I mean, he looks like a delinquent. Choker and all that.

Then, the class began.

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