Chapter 5: The Death

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"Woah, I have control over my body! You did it! You manage to hide the Mao in me without taking control!" Kaien praised, ruffling my hair.

I've been trying to gain a skill that I used in the future, to hide my Mao into a soul without possessing it or detected by the host or anyone nearby it.

I attempted to fixed my hair as I answered, "Now if I plant my Mao into allies before they travel, I can see their future!" I said, proud of my achievement.

In the past 5 years, my reiatsu continued to rise as I continued polishing my Shikai. So I decided to find a way to keep my Mao from disappearing when I return its sealed form.

How I managed to do it was by trying to keep a form of a Mao without my Zanpakutos help, once I accomplished that, I began training my Mao' multiple skills whenever they occupy a soul.

First, to make it possible for only I to detect my Mao anywhere in the world.

Second, to communicate through my Mao.

Third, to stay hidden in an ally or enemy and be used for learning multiple people's futures.

Fourth, to switch consciousness with one of the Mao, leaving my body and traveling in the perspective of one of the Mao.

All that's left is to begin practicing the fourth skill, to achieve this, I have to imagine a surveillance room with all the Mao consciousness in each screen. I need to jump into a selected screen and leave my body behind.

"This will be incredibly useful in the future, I bet," Kaien said grinning.

It will be useful for gathering information, but there will be events I can't avoid using this ability. "It will be useful, but it won't change how helpless I'll be when inevitable events occur, I can't change the future..." I replied, looking down in guilt.

"This is what being shinigami is for, Suzuki, we help the helpless and do what we can. Of course, there will be people we can't reach. Don't be upset over the one thing you have that is normal for everyone else." Kaien reassured, placing my head against his shoulder, prompting me to let go of all of the emotional baggage that I kept hidden ever since I gained my Shikai.

I looked up, tears building as I hugged him tightly, "I'll do what I can then." I said as tears rolled down my face.

'I'll do my best to keep your life fulfilled before you die, Its a promise.' I thought, wishing that I could voice it out.

I let go of him, wiping away my tears, "Thanks..." I thanked, giving him a teary smile, "No need to thank me, as long as you're a member of this squad, I'll help you no matter what it is." He said giving me a napkin to wipe my tears with.

I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath as someone came, "A new member has arrived, Lieutenant Shiba." He informed, bowing in respect.

"Can I meet her?" I asked Kaien, excited to meet Rukia after all this time. He beamed his usual silly smile, "Of course! Let's go."


We were nearing the meeting room as the squad members' voices reached our ears.

"What's with that girl?"

"You know, from the Kuchiki clan."

"Hah! A new pet cat, huh?"

"I heard she was exempt from the graduation exam, as well as the squad entrance exam."

"Just a pastime for nobles, they've gotta be kidding! We're busting our butts here!"

Kaien stomped ahead, "Hey! You guys! What are y'all doing loitering around here?! This isn't a show! Get back to your post, bunch of lazy asses!" He scolded as he slid open the door, revealing Kuchiki Rukia. 

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