Chapter 12: Renji vs Ichigo

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The Mao silently followed them in the shadows as they traveled through the sewers, I could hear Hanataro going into the story of his encounters with Rukia, back to when he cleaned her prison space.

"Then she said that because of her, his destiny became twisted and he got hurt, she then said that there was nothing she could do to atone it. I ended up hearing her talk about breaking a promise to a friend and gotten reprimanded for unintentionally hearing her talk about it." He said as I scowled.

I told her I was fine! That little 'It's all my fault!' damsel in distress!

"Friend?" Ichigo asked, confused over the mention of a third party, "She said that she had a friend that knew about her situation from the start, but she kept her identity unknown as to keep her hidden from getting caught for withholding information. I thought you'd probably know who she was..." He informed.

I'm honestly surprised she told him, maybe she let it slip as she rambled on, probably threatened him to not share the fact when she did. Yeah, she would do that.

"What can I say... that shinigami is a strange one," Ganju added, changing the topic as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, she's a strange one," Ichigo replied, suddenly standing up, "That's why we're here to rescue her," He added as he walked ahead.

"Hey, wait a second!" Ganju called out as he followed.

"Did I say something wrong?" Hanataro asked, following as well.

"How should I know?! Hey, Ichigo!" Ganju replied as he called out for him.

Ichigo ignored their calls deep in thought, I just hope he isn't thinking too much over the revelation of the third party, if he questioned me too much then I'll have to reveal myself sooner than later.

That's not favorable against Aizen's careful watch...


"uh... it's okay! You can come up!" Hanataro assured as he removed the floor tile, "This exit is closest to the tower," He added as he climbed up to the surface, "Wow! It seems like a long time since I breathed air!" Ganju praised as Ichigo climbed out next, "There! That's Senzaikyu!" Hanataro pointed to the white tower above as Ganju climbed out last.

"We're definitely closer to it, but look at that! It looks like it's going to be a rough road ahead." Ganju observed as the mist began to clear.

"The mist is clearing!" Ichigo stated as everyone watched the mist clear out slowly, "Let's go." Ichigo led as everyone followed, only to be stopped by the revelation of a presence nearby.

"Is something wrong? Ichi-" Ganju was cut off by his hand signaling silence as he looked ahead in concentration, "There's someone by the stairs." He warned as the mist cleared out enough to see a figure walking down the stairs.

Upon closer inspection, Renji appeared before them, "It's been a while, do you still remember my face?" He asked, holding up his sunglasses.

Upon closer inspection, Renji appeared before them, "It's been a while, do you still remember my face?" He asked, holding up his sunglasses

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