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That's where we were heading. The long line of Slytherins caused a lot of the students to shift their attention to us once we walked in. We all walked in a single file line past a groups of Hufflepuffs to get to the free space. 

We didn't move around we just stayed in the line we were in so that meant I had Crabbe on my right and Malfoy on my left.

The class waited patiently, putting on their leather gloves and conversing with each other. Then Professor Sprout walked in, "Morning everyone."

"Good morning Professor Sprout." Most people replied.

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Now gather round!" We all stepped closer towards the long table in front of us apart from Malfoy because he's cool. "Today we are going to re-pot madrakes," She got a baby looking plant from behind her, "Who here can tell me the properties of the mandrake root?" Hermione raised her hand, "Yes, Miss Granger."

"Mandrake, or mandragora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. They're also quite dangerous, the mandrake's cry is fatal  to anyone who hears it." She explained.

"Excellent! Ten points to Gryffindor!" She awarded Hermione. The other Gryffindors smiles but Malfoy glared at Harry and Ron who were opposite us.

"It's literally just ten points," I said quietly to him. He looked at me and gently nodded, returning his attention to Professor Sprout.

"Now as our mandrakes are still only seedlings their cries won't kill you yet but will knock you out for several hours which is why I've given each of you a pair of ear muffs, for auditory protection." She charmed a pair of ear muffs in front of us. We all put them on. "Flaps tight down and watch me closely." Professor Sprout continued to explain and demonstrate what to do but I was a little preoccupied with my glove, the straps on my left glove wasn't cooperating properly.

As I continued to struggle for a little longer a pair of hands took my wrist and did it for me. "There you go," Malfoy said quietly.

"Thank you," I softly smiled at him.

"Where did you get that bracelet?" He asked.

"It was a gift. My birthday is during the summer holidays so my parents - well, carers got me quite a few things including this bracelet. Each charm has a meaning behind it." I pulled up my sleeve and showed him my charm bracelet. He inspected it closely.

He held the gold four leafed clover with his finger and thumb, "Is this for goodluck?"

"Something like that," I gave him a light hearted smile and faced the teacher who was just about to pull the plant out the pot.

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