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𝗜 𝗛𝗔𝗗 𝗦𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗫𝗧 few weeks with my friends in Slytherin and I could that tell a lot of people took notice of this. Many people thought I was sort of the ring leader alongside Draco which is stupid, I don't do alongside. Anyway, wherever we went people would stare at me, especially the trio. 

Right now I was meant to join them in the stance to watch the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff game but Mcgonagall took me away from everyone.

She was taking me to the tent which had all the players in.

The Gryffindor team were on their way out but stopped when me and Mcgonagall were standing in the exit.

"Professor Mcgonagall?" Wood said.

"This match has been cancelled." She responded.

"You can't cancel quidditch." Wood shook his head.

"Silence Wood, you and your teammates will go straight to Gryffindor tower. Potter with me, we must also find Mr Weasley." Mcgonagall said leading me and Harry away.

Me and Harry didn't speak but after we located Ron we went back inside the castle, the two boys were quietly talking to each other but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

For some reason we were headed to the hospital wing. "Now I must say, this may be a wee bit of a shock," She said softly, opening the doors and allowing us to go inside.

The three of us walked towards the bed and Hermione was laid petrified in it. Across for her was another girl that had recently been petrified, Penelope Clearwater in Ravenclaw.

"Hermione," Ron whispered.

"She was found near the library along with this," She held up a small hand held mirror, "Does it mean anything to either of you?" She asked and set down when we all shook our heads.

Mcgonagall left the room, Harry touched Hermione's hand. It suddenly came to me that she was probably in the library doing research on the basilisk.

"You're still mad at us then?" Harry spoke up.

"Yeah," I simply said.

"Eloise we are sorry we didn't really think it was you. Just sort of caught up in the moment," Ron explained apologetically.

"Good for you," I said without looking at them and leaving the hospital wing. I didn't want to leave Hermione but I didn't want to stay there.

After finding everyone back in the common room people noticed something was heavily on my mind.

"Eloise what's wrong?" Blaise asked quietly.

I shook my head, "Nothing, Hermione's been petrified that's it," I responded in a hushed tone.

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