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This chapter has some shit in it that is extremely trigger. It mentions forcing and... Yeah... So please just skip until the end. I'll put some stars-> "*" BEFORE I start talking about everything, then stars AFTER everything and it's safer to read


With a shaky hand, I pull down the tab, watching as my vomit swirled around in the flushed toilet. I wipe my mouth with a sheet of toilet paper, dropping it into the swirl.

Clean water replaced everything. I sigh in relief at the clearness.

Standing from my knees, the acid in my stomach burning my chest. Turning the water on, I avoided the mirror. I was too afraid to look in it.

It was nearly March, which was a sweet relief. School will be out in roughly 3 months, Spring Break was in the end of March, though.

It was a normal Monday night. I just completed all my homework, I threw up my dinner, and I was already ready to sleep. That's all I did all weekend. I slept, stayed up for a few hours, then slept some more.

I felt extremely fatigue every second I am awake, and I have a feeling it's from not eating. I didn't care though. Sleeping has helped me escape from all the sadness I am constantly feeling.

I climb into bed, quickly pulling my blanket over my cold body. My body was shivering already and I didn't know why. I considered taking a space heater from the closet downstairs since I'm oddly always cold. Maybe it's because it's still a bit chilly outside or I keep the fan on all day.

Right when I was about to drift into sleep, my phone rang, startling me. I grumbled, glancing at it.

It was Nicholas.

I grabbed it, accepting the call. I put it on speaker and placed it besides me, yawning softly into my hands.

"Hi." I softly say, shifting onto my side. The other line was silent. I furrow my brows. "You there, Nick?"

There was another long line of silence before I finally heard him clear his throat. "Yeah. Sorry." His voice was throaty and full of emotions. It was kinda hot hearing, but I didn't like the fact that he sounded sad. "Can I talk to you? If you're not busy, of course."

I glance at the time, "yeah, sure. Over the phone or do you want to meet up?"

"Over the phone, I look like a mess." He says with a forced laugh. "You know, nevermind. I don't want to waste your time and it's not that important anyways."

I frown, staring down at the phone as if it was him."Nick, you have helped me a lot, the least I could ever do right now is let you talk. You aren't wasting my time at all. Talk to me. Whenever you're ready to."

He let out a long breath before he spoke, "so, my mom, when I was younger, used to date a lot of men. I've had a few step dads, but I can't really remember them. It was only for a less than a year, then they'd leave."

He sniffled when he stopped for a breath and my heart ached at the noise. "Then there was this really good guy. I was around 9 when my mom started to date him, I think. He was a lot older than my mom, she was only 25. I think he was nearly 40 at the time."

I wanted to cringed, imagining if an toddler and I were dating. But I let him continue.

"He was really cool, I really liked him. They got married, we moved somewhere, it was nice.  Then, 3 years later, he started to change..."

I gulp at the change in his voice, waiting for him to continue.

"When I was 12, my mom went to work, like she normally would on a Saturday. At the time, she was working 2 jobs, so I didn't see her as often. Her husband was always losing his jobs, having a new one for a month or two, just a never ending cycle."

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