Chapter 21

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We took of about an hour ago as we passed a bunch of mountains and oceans. I looked back and see Darkness clearly amazed of the ocean and Megumin debating which is cuter.

Aqua: Kazuma! My butt is getting sore!

Kazuma: Sit on [Y/N]'s lap. It'll work great!

[Y/N]: I will seriously put a Kunai up your ass if you do that. The next stop someone has to switch with Aqua later.

D, M, W: I'll go!

[Y/N]: Alright, just don't fight.

We reached a plain dessert as I looked around and saq something from far away. I looked closer and see a dust cloud. I got up and talked to driver about it.

[Y/N]: Excuse me, I see a dust cloud approaching. Do you know what that is?

The driver looked at the direction I'm pointing at as he doesn't see anything.

Driver: Well, I don't see anything.. the only thing I could think of are the lizard runners. But I've heard the princess runner was killed recently.. so the sand whales must be blowing up sand. If not.. it could be running hawk kites.

[Y/N]: Running Hawk Kites? I've read about them. They're no joke. You seriously think they could be out here? They could be running into rocks but I don't see rocks anywhere.

Driver: Well, it's far away so it should be fine.

I sat back down and looked at the dust cloud to see it getting closer. I got up and talked to the driver again.

[Y/N]: They really are coming towards us.

Driver: Yup, thise are Running Hawk Kites alright. I wonder why they're running towards us though. Maybe something in this wagon is transporting a fiercly hard material like adamantite.

[Y/N]: Adamantite?

Darkness: [Y/N]! [Y/N]! Those incredibly fast creatures are running towards this wagon. It seems the whole group is fixated on me. What an intense gaze.

The driver stops the wagons to let the hired adventurers to fight them off as Kazuma gets up.

Kazuma: Darkness! They aim and charge toward hard things. That crowd is targeting your hard muscles.

Darkness: Kazuma, I'm still a woman, you know? Don't call my muscles hard. It must be the piefes of adamantite built into my special armor. So it must be that. Oi, don't look at me like that!

We then hop off the wagon with Kazuma dragging Darkness. I facepalmed and got out the wagon.

[Y/N]: Megumin, Aqua. It's our cue. We don't have to fight but we will.

Wiz: I'll help too!

[Y/N]: Wiz, you stay here and protect the driver. I know what to do.

Wiz: Okay!

Driver: You're my customers! Please let the the adventurers handle this.

Kazuma: *in thoughts* I'm sorry. Our member is the problem.

Adventurers started getting out if the wagons as they stand heroicly. I then grabbed Darkness's hand as she blushed.

Adventurer: Leave...

Adventurer #2: It...

Adventurer #3: To...

Adventurer #4: Us...

Everyone starts running as Darkness, Kazuma and I start running as well. I looked back at Megumin as I smiled.

[Y/N]: Megumin! Get your explosion spell ready.

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