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I sat quietly by the steps of the gate watching people come and go. Fall was already there and the weather was getting colder by the day. I looked down at my feet, bare and scratched, dried blood and mud mixed together and I couldn't help but wonder why did they leave me ? What can a nine years old do to be thrown out to the streets the way I was ? To be ripped off everything I had; parents, friends, school...

As usual nights were the moments I dreaded the most, the streets became empty gradually, stray cats found shelters behind bins and under cars and as for me I was left alone again. I was getting hungrier and weaker but I kept on telling myself that they will eventually come back and everything will go back to the way it was. Days and nights passed in a repeating cycle and was still by the doorsteps. I could read the disgust on people's faces, some would look at me with pity and offer me a loaf of bread from time to time while other simply ignored my presence.

I stopped counting the days, I was on the verge of dying without food and water. I slept on the sidewalk at night hoping that God would keep danger away from my frail little self until she stood in front of me one day, extending her hand for me to reach out... at that time I was convinced she was an angel...

I opened my eyes to be faced with the high ceiling of my bedroom from where the imposing -and completely useless- crytstal chandelier was hanging. Little sunrays found their way inside through the curtains which meant that he had already left the house an hour ago or so. Gathering my courage, I woke up and opened the balcony doors only to have fresh morning air engulf my lungs... these were the very few moments I could feel alive in and serene. My peaceful thoughts were quickly dissipated when I heard them talking in the garden... they were eveywhere; black suits and blank faces, his bodyguards were everywhere! I went back to my bedroom and started getting ready.

Once I had showered and dressed, I went down to the kitchen for breakfast and as I expected Mrs Lee had already prepared everything minutely. She was the warmest thing inside that cold mansion and the closest to a friend. I smiled bitterly, another day eating alone even if I was overjoyed to know that I won't have to deal with his annoying presence today. I ate in silence and looked at the massive diamond ring on my left hand everytime I extended my hands to grab something.. how did I end up marrying him?

I was very young, naive, vulnerable and extremely poor. At that time, I thought love didn't really matter in the world of adults, all I wanted was a family, a caring husband and children I would cherish for the rest of my life. I knew he didn't not see farther than my physique in me but I was only 19 back then.. and having left the orphanage a year before I was struggling once again between University and part time jobs.. that's when I met him at a gala dinner for his company. I have always dreamt to become a movie producer and started off as an active member of our university movie and photography club. A job opportunity came by and I didn't think twice before accepting the offer. That night, I was in charge of immortalizing the gala- more like the haughty arrogant aristocracy and  their expensively rich wives in silk gowns and diamond necklaces.

I leaned back in my chair and signed at the heavy memories if my past. Six years have gone by like the wind. I was 25 and had everything that could possibly be bought on earth but I felt lonelier then ever. I had no one, no friends nor family. The maids were too scared of him to approach me and whenever I went out his bodyguards would follow me and scare everyone off. He said he didn't want to have kids and forced me to take contraceptive pills, as if it was enjoyable to sleep with him. I was left with bruises countless times and the nights were he was drunk were the worst. I ended up with a cast in my arm once because I refused to give in to his needs...

I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a loud banging and cries in the garden.. the last thing I was expecting once I hurried out was to see my husband clutching his left shoulder painfully, blood dripping all over his suit...

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