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The room was quiet which is ideal for the older woman to finish her work. Today was a busy day and everything  seems to be piling up on her.  Paperwork was never-ending and everyone needed her help but she cannot complain that wasn't in  her character. Queen Andrea or better known as Andy to her friends and family was a hard worker. A fact that  hasn't change since she was a girl in those cornfields of Weston at seventeen.  A time she will never forget because of a great friendship that lasted through the years.  Her friends Rachel, Laura and Sarah helped her weather some of the darkest days in her life. Without their support and efforts their homeland wouldn't have known peace.

Regretfully Rachel and Laura passed away some years ago but their legacies  are remembered in their subjects eyes.  And speaking of legacies some decided to join Andy at that moment. Five little nobles entered all bearing a likeness to their grandmothers especially my little Roland. 

"Finish the story grandma" pleaded Roland tugging on the older woman's dress repeatedly. Sighing she looked at the stack of papers that still needed to be signed, and her charge's faces.

"I cannot right now but maybe someone else can tell you the story" Andy said pulling away from Roland.

 " Who can tell us better than you" Roland protested.

Laughing at that Andy grinned. "Sweetie,  I'm one of four girls. Get someone else to tell you their part of our journey my puppets". Her comment spark something in the five children's faces as they raced out of the room. Smiling Andy decided to see who those little scamps are going to find to tell their story.

Following them the children ran into the hall at top speed. Maids had to maneuver quickly so the little royals wouldn't bump into them.  Yelling their apologies the children kept along and I followed until they reach the library. Inside was a man in his sixties with graying red hair. When Annie saw the man, she hopped on his lap and squeezed him in a hug.

"Grandpa tell us the story of Grandma Rachel."

Her announcement got yells from the other youngsters' swarming the surprise man all at once. Blinking the other redhead look to Andy for answers. "They desire to know the story of the Witches of Weston. And this time they want Rachel's part in our legacy. 

And with a wave Andy departed leaving Malcolm with the hyper children. "Okay sit down and I will tell you the story of Rachel. The woman that is known as one of the greatest earth witches of all time. " At that Malcolm waited for all of the children to calm down and get comfortable before continuing again." Now tell me where your Aunt Andy stopped in her tale."

"When they got their necklaces" answered Annie.

Nodding Malcolm reached out to grab a book from the shelf and pulled out a sparkling black diamond necklace. The necklace was place in the book after his wife Rachel's passing for safekeeping. Now it is like a diary and source of knowing the woman who used to wield the necklace. Feeling the power with in it Malcolm could feel Rachel's memories flowing into his head.

"That's a good part to start and that is where Rachel's life story began." Malcolm replied closing his eyes and started the story of the love of his life. The woman that gave him children and so much more. Rachel and her trials help shaped many lives and he only wish she was here to see that for herself.

                   The End

This story is a work in progress because the character of Rachel is dead. I am trying to decided between first person or second.

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