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After dinner I decided to retire to my room to get some sort of peace. This day has been  a whirlwind and I needed to let myself absorb what just happened. Laying on the bed I thought about my life and how it changed in a couple of hours . All my life mother or more accurately Aunt Gail treated her boys better than me. I foolishly thought that she favored them because they were males.  Ignoring the fact they could do no wrong in her eyes where I couldn't do anything right.

The only good part was Jordan and my friends making those years tolerable. Now the man that I known as a father wasn't even related to me. Why did he never tell me about my birth parents or the letters. Looking back all the evidence of the truth was there but I couldn't see it.

Strong knocks on the door interrupted my pity party.  The door opened and  James popped his head inside. He looked uncertain holding a plate of bread and fruit in his hand. 

"I brought food since you didn't eat downstairs" James said placing the food on the bed. Looking at the plate my stomach let out a huge growl making me embarrass and James chuckle. "I guess I came in time."

"Yes I guess you did " I mumbled biting the bread before taking a long look at James. We did look a lot alike probably coming from our father's genes. It's seem weird that he doesn't seem bothered by all of this. "How are you really feeling with all of this James."

Shrugging James answered " Our parents told me about you Rachel my whole life. They didn't forget their first child and hope one day you will find a way back to them."

Hearing that made me feel a little better inside. They talked about me and even sent letters to Carl to know what was going on. Nonetheless I couldn't fathom giving up both of my babies to relatives that hated them. I would have found a way to keep them, but could I  really judge their actions. I made mistakes too and mostly with Cody and the pregnancy. Looking at my new-found brother maybe this was the chance to start something new.  And what I seen of James he was a good boy and the way he treated Jordan was amazing.

"I guess I'm your big sister now."

Snorting "From what I seen you have that title by age.  I am more fit to be called the older sibling." James remarked but yelped when I hit him in the arm. "Hey, I am only telling the truth Rachel. What kind of person gets held hostage twice!!"

"Those incidents were not my fault."

"Sister you are a jinx" James joked bringing a smile to my face. This was the relationship with a brother I always desired. Not one that I gave and they only took excluding Jordan of course.

Thinking about Jordan I groan thinking about my action earlier. "I just took away his last name and told Gail to say goodbye to him."

"Who"  asked James confused.

"Jordan I basically sealed both of our fates today" I said flopping back on the bed with James joining me. He laid down with me and just stared at the decorative ceiling before deciding to speak.

"Your decision was right, and Jordan doesn't need that negativity in his life." James agreed but when I was about  to inject  he added. "Rachel what I witnessed of Gail she isn't right for Jordan. With his magic he requires caring and understanding something Gail lacks.  No, its better that the Goodman name be left to those bitter folks and let him be a Harris like us." Tears rolled down my face at those words. He was offering Jordan his last name. Hugging my brother I cried in his strong chest. " And with him I will finally get a little brother to boss around.  Jessie is getting too big for that now." James joked making me chuckle a little.  Releasing him James began gabbing about our little sister Jessie who is ten. Wiping my tears I let him tell me about our family when knocking came from the door. Without an invitation it opened and my friends and Malcolm entered. 

 " Does no one know proper door manners anymore." I grunted out as everyone just entered my room without my permission. " I could have been getting dressed."

" We could hear you talking to James we highly doubted that" Laura commented taking a seat at a nearby table.

"Are you alright Rachel "Sarah began softly coming to the bed to sit down as the others hovered around the bed looking at me. They stared at me like I was delicate  and made of glass.  It really piss me off are they forgetting how tough I am.

"Guys I had one crying fit I'm now fine" I said giving them my best grin. At that most gave their own and they looked as believable as mine.

"At least my family isn't the only bad seeds anymore" Andy said out of nowhere earning a hit on the head by Laura. Chuckling at that only Andy could say that with her blunt personality.

"Andy really. "Laura scolded the red haired girl rubbing her head.

"Hey, my family are traitors I'm trying to make Rachel feel better.  At least her family lie didn't make her father and grandma voluntarily go into exile with me tomorrow.. Its better for Rachel to be disown than being forcefully banish for something she did not do" Andy muttered. At her words my focus was pulled away from my own pity to look at my friend's.

"Banish what do you mean." I asked not sure what I heard was correct. Andy and the rest of her family did nothing to earned such a punishment just her mother and sister.

Sighing Andy sat on the bed with me." My father wanted to stay to help the villagers but after Mel's escape. Things got a little hostile and bad feelings are brewing with survivors and my family. No one will let him lead them anymore and they ceremonially kicked him out.  So in other words he and grandma have nowhere to go so they are coming with me to Polla."

"That's horrible" I said thinking of Andrew Miller the leader of Weston. Andy's father worked tiredly for many decades to make the villagers lives easier sometime working all night in the fields. It's seems Ella and Melissa destroyed Andrew's good name and leaving is the only option left for him.

"I guess my news doesn't seem so bad" huff Sarah joining us. "My father was going to stay with the  other Weston survivors, but he was being a menace. The people also want him gone too but Mark doesn't want him going to Gallopia with us." Sarah twirled her hair worriedly and I frowned. Sarah's father John was  an abusive man who hit Sarah for years and quite honestly didn't deserve his daughter's help.

"I guess we all got our problems" Malcolm said leaning against the wall. His blue eyes search mine and everything felt like it was going to be alright. 

"Come on I want to leave Perta on a happy note" I said grabbing my friend's shoulders. "We aren't going to let our ungrateful families ruin that." And with that I pulled Andy and Sarah out of my room. " There is a festival going on outside lets have some fun."

"Sound's good to me" yelp Laura leading the others out of the room leaving only myself and Malcolm.  Feeling the weight of his gaze I knew he was worried. Going up to him I gave him a kiss on his cheek. 

"Let's go my giant its time for us to forget and love."

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