Problem after Problem

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I found myself sleeping in the bed when I was awoken by the door slamming. Rubbing my eyes, I saw Malcolm grabbing our belongings and shoving them in bags in a rush. Feeling panic, I got out of bed and came towards him. "What's wrong is the castle under attack "I asked already pulling my magic together for a fight. That reaction became a familiar one after months of constant battles and hostage attempts.

For the response Malcolm turned towards me with hard eyes. "No, we aren't under attack, but we are leaving the castle immediately."

"Why. Is this about Claire "I questioned thinking about the crazy woman that nearly killed my brother. If the woman wanted  a fight, I wouldn't shy away from it.

"No its handled, and your family will judge her once we get to Malloria. "Malcolm answered as he slowed down packing our things. "Orion has insulted my honor and I will not stay in a castle with a man that lusted after my bride."

"He wants me" I shouted a little shocked hearing the news.

"Orion told me he wanted to court you himself " Malcolm confirmed glaring at nothing. Grabbing the bag, I begun packing not arguing with Malcolm but a thought came to my mind.

"I don't understand" I said out loud. "Orion should be married by now why go after me." 

"Yes, Orion should be married" Malcolm agreed stuffing more of our things in bags." He met his soulmate decades ago, but he refused her because of burns she received from a fire."

 Looking at him I wanted what he said to not be true. However the seriousness of his tone made me realize that it was indeed so. " That poor woman I hope she finds love out there." I said slinging one of the bags over my shoulders.

"I hope that too" Malcolm replied opening our door and leading us to the children's room to grab Jordan. Quietly opening the door I could see Jessie and Jordan snuggled up together in the large bed. Shaking Jordan gently  trying not to wake Jessie that is sleeping next to him.  I finally roused him making him put on his shoes when approaching footsteps gathered my attention. Father and Daniel joined us as we came out of the room with worried expressions.

"Malcolm what are you doing" asked father looking at the bags in our hands.

"Departing and if you want to know why asked Orion " Malcolm  announced grabbing my hand leading Jordan and me out of the castle.  We passed servants and guards not stopping until we were outside the castle grounds. It was cold tonight  but  I stayed silent not wanting to complain to Malcolm. Seeing my normally calm fiancé  barely hanging on to his temper a little cold wasn't going to hurt me.

Once we got to the street he signaled to a carriage waiting on the nearly empty roadway. After the driver loaded our belongings we started on our track again heading deeper in the capital. Looking at the city in the dark it seemed almost peaceful as I could hear every noise including the waves at the cove. Businesses were all closed and it was hard to imagine this morning were I could hardly walk without running into someone.

All the houses had no lights except for a two-story brick house with a candlelight in the front window. The building a had a  plain sign that read Seaside Inn and Malcolm directed our driver to stopped there. 

Malcolm took a sleeping Jordan in his arms and gathered our belongings. We walked up the stone cobblestone entry to the inn door where Malcolm pounded loudly on it. At that I wouldn't  be surprise if he didn't wake the neighbors with the noise he was making. Thankfully a woman about medium height opened the door in a nightgown with a smile on her face.

"Prince Malcolm what are you doing here at this late hour" the woman greeted letting us in the door to a warm room.  She took our coats and place them in the hall closet and usher us into a sitting room with a roaring fire. Immediately  I rushed over to the fire trying to get the heat to warm my numb limbs. Looking around the inn it wasn't fancy but homey and honestly I wouldn't mind falling to sleep next to this fire.

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