Gail's Rage

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Sitting alone watching Navarro and Jordan chase sea gulls I put a smile on my face. These moments made me almost forget the scene with my family at breakfast. Almost being the key word in that sentence.

"A penny for your thoughts" asked a male voice beside me". Jumping up I saw Prince Mark of Gallopia taking a seat next to me.

"Just thinking about what will happen next "I said giving the prince a half truth.

"Tomorrow you sail away with a man that loves you and start a new life."  Mark replied looking at Sarah and the others splashing each other in the water.

"And by doing  so my family will hate me."

Mark's face turn to me with a look of sympathy. "That family today isn't the one that is important or worth your time. Your friends and Jordan are happy for you that should matter more."

Letting his words sink in I realize that my  family's approval wasn't vital and hasn't been over the years. Those people stopped caring about Jordan and myself a long time ago. "You are right Mark and thank you. " I hugged him as Sarah's voice reached us.

"Mark come out here " she squealed barely avoiding getting splashed by Andy.

" My lady calls but Malcolm should be here any moment. He  stop to speak to your brother Michael" Mark mentioned. 

Hearing that remark I grabbed Mark's arm not letting him go. " What do you mean by that"?

"Michael stopped us in the hall saying he has something important to tell Malcolm" said Mark seeing my reaction.

" I have to find Malcolm" I hurried off walking up the rocky path to get to the castle. I didn't like the feeling I got about Michael speaking to Malcolm at all. 

Loud footsteps followed after me with Mark keeping pace" I am going with you."

Nodding  my only goal was getting to the castle and soon we reach the gates. Entering I saw blood on the floor and Louis talking to a maid cleaning it up.

"Louis what's going on here "asked Mark walking up to Louis with me behind him? Louis looked at me before answering.  'Malcolm and Michael had a scuffle it seems."

"Are they alright " I stammered  staring at the blood and feeling sick with worry?

"Malcolm is fine but Michael has been taken to see a physician. Rachel  you really need to speak to Malcolm he is in your room " Louis advised. "

"Okay" I mumbled slowly turning to walk to my room alone. I couldn't believe that this happened I thought. Michael and Malcolm getting into a fight seems so out there. Finally getting to my door I could see it slightly open. Coming in the room the first thing my eyes saw  was Malcolm sitting on the bed with a defeated look on his face.

"Malcolm are you alright "I ask taking him in with my eyes carefully checking for injury. Malcolm's hands were the only thing that contain damage with bruises and blood running from them. Flinching I could imagine Michael's face by the way Malcolm's knuckles looked.

"I'm alright but your brother took a good thrashing" answered Malcolm honestly.

"  What happen? " I questioned handing Malcolm a cloth to wipe the blood off his hands."

Taking the cloth he began his story. "He stopped me in the hall and started making remarks about you courting Cody. Telling me to find a purer bride and calling you a whore was the last straw. I believed I was defending your honor but I acted like a brute. Please forgive me." Placing his head in my lap Malcolm did not rise allowing me to rub my hands through his thick red hair.

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