Orion's last stand

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                                                                               Malcolm POV

One month later in Coran City things has been getting on their way and Neva has a new king. After Orion was transfer to his cousin's castle, Clark testified to Orion's confession about the Bulkans. The lords and ladies' votes were overwhelming to remove Orion as king. It was a sight to see the former king shouting and cursing when his throne was given to his cousin.

Yet this is day I been waiting for since they schedule the former king's trial. It was finally time for Orion to face all the wrongs he's done to my family. Between accusing us of betrayal and our imprisonment , I'll make sure Orion pay for his crimes with death.   Standing in the room in a simple gray prison uniform matching his co-conspirators Orion never lost his bravo. Also standing trial is Sicily, Claire and Martin all choosing to face the judge but Orion. Truthfully this trial is more of sentencing phrase since he already admitted his guilt in another proceeding. The court's trial is usually held in the law building in the city but with the popularity of this one case. The venue was change to the castle's ballroom for commoners and nobles alike to seat together to see the spectacle. The room is filled to it max and luckily Rachel found a seat with Curtis 'wife Naomi on the top balcony overlooking everything.

My pretty girl was my rock since we got to Coran City. She was strong providing evidence in the way of retelling her heroic actions at Orion's dethronement trial. Seven months pregnant my girl is still stunning and that's why I married her.  Barely two days after arriving to Coran City I couldn't wait anymore  and I had to make Rachel my wife.  

My now wife wears a diamond ring on her finger that was cut into a rose. I thought it was fitting because she's earth witch and bought the ring instantly. The wedding itself was a small affair with only family and of course Rachel 's friends scaring Curtis who was marrying us. When the former Duke now king heard the voices coming out of Rachel's necklace he squeaked. It was something I'm going to hold over his head for the rest of King Curtis's life.

Hearing murmurs go over the crowd I realize there no time to go through memory lane. Standing in a fitted suit with the crest of the Malloria's royal family sewn in I actually look like prince now. My hair is cut neatly and pulled into ponytail making my eyes seem sharper. I walk to my place on the prosecution's side with Curtis and Randall joining me.  We all remain silent watching Judge Nelson arrive in the room. The Coran City's  judge is in seventies with a strict and neutral expression on his face. Nelson is known to be fair and made a name for himself for his rulings. People respected him and Curtis held Orion's punishment phrase for the judge to recover from an illness.

The now healthy man is ready to hold his court taking his seat and going over rules. "We are here today for justice. I don't want to hear opinions shouted out in my court understand." Declare Nelson eyeing the crowd as more than one person yells their comments at Orion. "Neva is built on order and if anyone disagrees with this system. They can leave right Now." He announce in a no nonsense voice.At that remark people mouths slam shut and Nelson got his peace. "King Curtis who will be the first to face my court."

Standing Curtis looks like a different man with a crown and fancier clothes. Nodding and bowing to the judge Curtis didn't rise even as he speaks. "We asked for my cousin former Neva king Orion to go first."

"Get on with it then. My wife wants me home for dinner." Judge Nelson joke earning laughs for the audience at his sudden sense of humor.

"I wouldn't won't keep you." Curtis says grinning  though his eyes  morph when they caught sight of his cousin. Orion still acting cocky raise his nose to Curtis even though he's in disgrace.  Losing his birthright, nobility and riches all in one month time Orion is completely ruined.  Yet if it bothers him, he wasn't letting it show on his glowing face that is winking at ladies in the crowd.

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