Orion's game

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                                                                                                     Malcolm (POV)

Its been little over a month of being imprisoned and so far, we've been treated nicely. Meals were delivered twice a day and fresh clothing once a day. Baths were infrequent and more than one of my companion's odors was unpleasant. Although the smell was awful I was happy our plans were working. Vivian had used the passage daily and got to speak to Silas sending a discreet message to Duke Curtis.

The Duke was coming and Orion by the rumors Vivian heard was fearful. Curtis already got more than half the council support to take the throne. And Rachel had not accepted Orion's proposal refusing to leave her bedroom. Grinning at how my pretty girl was giving Orion hell I'm so proud.

Footsteps on the stairs slap me out of my daze. The dungeons' doors creaked open and a frowning Orion and his guards appeared. The pompous king didn't look like his normal self with his hair in disarray and  walking with a slight limp.

Smirking at the king's pain I knew of Rachel throwing him out of his own chambers. The gossip reached the city where Vivian inquired the information. Apparently, Rachel had slammed the door on his foot making Orion cry.

"My fiancée giving you a rough time." I said loving how the question earned an instant response.

"Rachel is a wild woman nothing I cannot handle old friend." Orion speaking quickly trying to avoid the issue.

"My Rachel" I pressed on the word my. "She isn't submissive, and no weak willed fool can win her over." The guards at Orion's side looked like they wanted to beat me for the insult. Yet stunningly Orion held them back with a wave of his hand. The move was out of the ordinary and what he did next surprise me sending his men away.

"I didn't come here to speak about Rachel.  I want our alliance and friendship to continue." Orion finally said once the guards were gone.

Snorting at the comment. " Friendship, Orion Rachel is my bride and you are trying to steal her from me. And lets not forget falsely arresting me and my companions."

"I might have acted rashly " Orion admitted.  "Nonetheless Malcolm I'm doing you a favor by taking Rachel, but I found a solution. Come on in ladies and meet your future husband." At that three beautiful women walked in. "These women are interested in being your bride and can easily replace Rachel. You can pick one or all of them "Orion suggested slyly.

 At the announcement everyone was silent by the offer until I laughed. The nerve of the fool to make such a stupid bargain. "Get rid of these women I will never choose one of them." At my clear refusal Orion looked stricken than became  enrage.

"Malcolm just settle for one of these women and lets put this mess behind us. "Orion pushing one of the women towards me. The woman had blond hair and clear blue eyes. A beauty for sure as she gave me a smile.

" Prince Malcolm make me your wife and I will satisfy your every need." To make her point she tried to slip out of her dress. Having enough my face must have discouraged her as she stepped away. Looking closely, I saw a dark rune on the woman's forearm. A circle with a star and the symbol became clear to me. My men told me once that the local brothels branded their women to show them as property.

"The alliance is over and no amount of whores you shove my way will change that." I declared glaring at Orion.

"Then let's make a different type of deal." He negotiated "I will waive all charges against you and Claire. I'll even have your ship ready for you to leave by tomorrow. My only request in return is for the alliance to continue."

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