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Looking at the sea through my window in the castle I  could not help but smile. I never imagine me Rachel Goodman would be sitting here. The castle of Evergreen sat on a slope of the rocky shoreline protected by a great  stone wall. It covered the whole city but from the highest tower of the castle where my room resided the ocean was in view. The sparkling clear water seemed unreal to a farm girl like myself. Seeing the sight almost made me forget the stinging in my arm from the knife that pierced my flesh two weeks ago.

 I was wounded from a kidnapping attempt by my first love and his family. Cody Walker was from the same village of Weston as myself and had all the young women falling in love with him including stupid me.  However my friends Andy, Laura and Sarah couldn't stand him and never liked our relationship. And now thinking back I wish I listened to them more.

Cody and his family betrayed Perta our kingdom to the Delianians and Bulkans for money. With their aid the enemy destroyed Weston killing many good men and women. They used the village Princess Festival where royals attended to find a witch bride as a distraction. I believed I would never see Cody again until a couple of weeks ago.  He and his family had taken myself and my friends hostage. Their plan was to force the royals that we are marrying  for pardons. Luckily the plan failed miserably but in the mayhem  I was stabbed by Cody.  And sadly Matthew Walker Cody's younger brother got away with the help of another traitor Melissa Miller.

Melissa was the older sister of Andy one of my closest friends and the two couldn't be more different. Andy was brash and a little outspoken but a good  person. Her mother Ella and Melissa were a different story as both women helped the enemy attack Weston. They were promise for their assistance that Melissa would be made a noble in Bulka. I'm glad that both women were deceived about their deal by the Bulkans. After that Ella was killed right in front of Laura and myself.  At hearing  the news of her family's betrayal and death  Andy didn't let it faze her.  She didn't let the whispers get her down and I wish I had my friend's strength.

I tried blocking out anything to do with Cody but  I'm carrying his children. Placing a hand on my stomach I thought about my boys. I was told by Ruth Miller Andy's grandmother and a powerful seer that I was having boys, and both will be wizards. Having a wizard was rare but since my youngest brother Jordan was one it runs in the family. 

 Loud footsteps were heard in the hall as a red headed prince entered the room. Prince Malcolm of Malloria wasn't what most would call handsome. His face was hard with a scar across it but his bright blue eyes  held my attention. At six-foot I wasn't a short woman but Malcolm made me feel small at seven ft. His appearance may look rough, but he's  one of the kindest men I've known and my future husband. I couldn't believe Malcolm propose to me even knowing about my pregnancy. To me Malcolm could have any woman: why pick one who gave her heart to a traitor.

"Rachel our ship should arrive tomorrow. " Malcolm announced kissing me on the cheek. 

"It feels weird leaving Perta but I know its for the best.  "I said putting on a different bandage for my arm. I attempted to hide my pain and discomfort at dressing the wound. I didn't succeed with Malcolm coming over and doing it himself like usual these last two weeks. 

Looking at my arm he finished what I couldn't with a concern expression. "I hate that I wasn't there to protect you".

Sighing at that remark, I told him repeatedly what happen wasn't his fault.. "Malcolm for the last time you aren't responsible for this." 

"Rachel I am a warrior and it could have been worse, you're pregnant with the boys "he stated.

"Malcolm I'm fine and so are the boys."

"Fine speaking of the boys lets get some food for them and their mother "Malcolm prodded handing me a simple blue dress. With some help, I was dressed and started on my hair brushing through the difficult fizz of my black locks.  Finally getting it to lay flat with a lot of tree oil it was manageable. 

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