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                                                                                        (Rachel POV)

The next four days  was more than troubling for me to say the least. With not speaking  to my family and battling seasickness .. It's a constant battle with wanting to scream and cry at the same time.  Most people would blame the pregnancy for my out of control outbursts. Yet I didn't see it that way at all. The problems are my parents thinking they can Jordan take away from me.  Did they feel my parenting wasn't up to par with theirs ?

The only good thing these last few days was  Malcolm being my rock and support. He always there when I needed someone to comfort me.  He almost took Andy's place as the best redhead in my life . My best friend would disagree with that idea strongly though. Finally dressed I begin my day by going to the dining hall hoping my family wouldn't be present.  A grumbling sound coming from my bloated belly agrees with me.

"Okay my boys we are getting food. " I chime rubbing my belly trying to calm the  rugrats in there. Entering the hall I was happy to see them serving beef stew and fresh bread. Taking a spot in line I search for a table sit at after. Spotting Malcolm  and Daniel in the corner eating I found a spot.  Receiving  a bowl of stew I give my thanks to cook and make my way over to Malcolm's table.  Smiling at the two I took the available seat at their table. Daniel gives me a small smile of a greeting and that's all I need to dig into my meal. Taking a bite, I nearly spit it out when James walks into the room. Hearing my reaction he takes one look at me before leaving the room in a huff.

Sighing I'm relieved that my brother left but Malcolm witnessing the scene only frowns. "Dear this feud with your family have got to end. You cannot evade them forever on the ship or our journey to Coran City."

"Give me some time to compose myself. "I mutter taking a bite out of the bread. "They need to realize raising Jordan is my responsibility not theirs."

"Lady Rachel it wasn't your duty to care for Jordan but your aunts." Daniel speaking up surprising me how he knew these facts. I never told anyone about  my and Jordan' s upbringing with Gail except for Malcolm.  I send my future husband a glare at his loose lips but he only shrugs it off. Rolling my eyes at him I let it go and wait for Daniel to make his opinions known. And like I had foresight like Andy he begins talking about my  drama. "Your aunt failure made you step up as a parent. Now your parents are here to fill those roles." He says confidently which only piss me off more.

Why are all these people ganging up on me for wanting to keep my brother.. "Daniel, I respect your opinion but don't get involved in this"I respond harshly giving him a glare.

"I sorry if your feel like I am overstepping Rachel but think of this as a good thing. Jordan can have the two parents that can provide him the attention he craves." The red hair father says not backing down.

"So can I." I defend getting a little offended.

"Now but when the twins come and a kingdom to care for Jordan's needs will not be met. " Daniel  counters back not giving  me a chance to respond. "The demands of your life will change and he will feel neglected. Jordan with your parents have a sibling his own age and plenty of caretakers" Daniel explains as his words struck me as he paints a detailed picture that I never comprehend. Now all the fight emptied out of me as I realize my parents was only trying prevent that reality from occurring. 

"Giving Jordan to your parents for a short time might help you." Malcolm reflects softly. "Maybe we should see if Jordan want to stay with them we never asked."

Everything clicks making me feel awful about the way I treated my family. I have to make amends". You both are right, and I must find my parents to apologizes.." Standing up I am about to leave but something or more accurately someone is preventing me.

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