The Ice Witch return

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I stared at the bowl of soup the guards delivered to my cell for dinner. At first, I wasn't going to eat the food they brought but I changed my mind. Starving myself will not change the situation and I needed a sharp mind for the coming days. Scuffing down the food I tried to be thankful Orion wasn't trying to poison me yet.

Taking another bite of the bland soup I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Expecting the guard with my bath water I was surprised to see Silas and Curtis. Putting the soup on the ground I stood hoping for good news.

"Its been a long time Curtis" I greeted Orion's cousin with a smile. 

"It has my friend" replied Curtis.

"Is everyone here doing fine" Silas asked taking in our physical state? 

"We're fine but what's going on with the council. Are they letting us free" Randal questioned the new comers. Both of the men at the request looked down in disappointment.  I took a stepped back rubbing my head preparing for the worst.

"We're working on getting you out of here. However Orion demands Rachel's hand in marriage before that happens"  Curtis said quickly. "He  implied hurting the children if she doesn't."

"What " I hissed filled with rage. "And the council is going along with this."

"Of course not" Silas defended. "We stood against it and your unlawful arrest, but Orion disbanded the council."

"Crap "I shouted  shaking the bars of my cell? Orion had made my only hope dissolve into nothing. The Council of Neva can influence the king's decision and sometime force his hand. Without their influence my options are very few and risky.

"We'll call a judgement trial but its risky now with most of our allies powerless. "Curtis said looking down and I knew he wanted to help  but didn't have the necessary support to do so. Sighing I hated the politics it takes to be noble.

"A Judgment trial is the only option left "Daniel inserted with conviction. "Disbanding the council was a good play, but Orion is clever not impenetrable.

"He's almost at being the king and with the people of the cities loyalty "sighed Silas before adding. "And without hard proof they'll never turn on their king.." Just as he was about to speak again a commotion from  the upper level could be heard. The sound of wood breaking, and soldiers yelling never-ending. Jumping up when a guard came rushing over to Curtis in panic.

"The castle is under attack." Stammered out the guard.

"By who" demanded Curtis taking out his  sword."

"The Mallorian ice witch;. she broke through the castle's defenses." As the guard revealed that  every one of my companions groaned out. Claire's attack will be our downfall or it could be the answer I thought.

"Free us" I declared. "We can assist in her capture and prove we're innocent."

Weighing the suggestion Curtis gave the nod. "Release them and lets hunt us a witch." The guard looked uncertain at first but Curtis's order was firm. Unlocking the doors of the cells everyone walked out with relief.

"What is your plan my prince" said Daniel taking a sword Curtis offered him.

"Capture Claire than surrender her to Neva for a true enemy. We didn't commit any crimes except Claire.  Once that's over we'll get a fair hearing in the city." I explained starting up the stairs ready for battle. We pass countless guards when reaching the main level of the castle but was ignored.  The soldiers focus were on fighting  a tundra than our appearance. Ice and snow was everywhere with the coldness that was almost deadly.

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