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                                                                 Rachel (POV)

Spending three days at Oliver's estate was paradise in my opinion. After feeling on guard all the time in the castle just having somewhere to actually sleep was nice. The estate was hectic at times with Silas and Curtis making last minute plans for the meeting. It was decided that we will be traveling on a boat to Coran City. The Malloria Pearl was already stocked and Curtis  left two days ahead of us to prepare.

"An eight-day journey and I'm back to that hell they call school." James grumbled about our parents' decision to send him back to Malloria. It was agreed upon that I will stay in Coran City until I gave birth.  Everyone else will be returning to Malloria except for Malcolm and myself. 

" Stop complaining and help your sister with her bags." Father scolded James making him take my bags to the boat.. Looking at the Malloria Pearl made me happy and sad at the same time. Memories of Kendra came to mind when I walked on the boat.. I almost forgets about the sea affects on my magic until I feel myself being drained of energy.

 " Rachel are you feeling alright" James asks.

"Not really." I moan hating the downside of being an earth witch. An utter weakness of the sea and the never-ending sickness it causes.

" Unfortunately staying here is not an option sister." James responds looking at all hostile glares we are receiving. Even though we won the judgement there is few citizens  that remains loyal to Orion.  Departing is a blessing for us since many of those citizens attempted to start brawls.

"James I'm not crazy" I answer giving him a shove." I will take this sickness over Eden any day." 

"I must agree getting away will be refreshing." Mother comments supervising Jessie and Jordan getting on the boat.

Looking at the pier I see Oliver and wave my farewell. Oliver is one of the good things that happened to me in the capital.  Staying at his estate I learned Oliver is a well establish trader all over the north. He use to travel around and do business in fifteen different lands. However since he gotten older his son does most of the traveling now.  It was a no brainer making him my business partner with me making  jewelry and him selling it.

A loud whistling sounds the signal for all passengers that the boat was about to set sail. Once the anchor is pulled up I almost puke if I didn't take a breath. Grabbing my bag I search for Laura's herbal medicine the one thing that help soothes me. Finally taking out the medicine I drink the bitter liquid without gagging at the taste.

Waiting for the medicine to take affect I gaze at the pier getting smaller. It takes my mind off the queasiness in my stomach but I catch sight of a familiar someone .  Sicily is standing at the dock staring at our ship with a questionable expression. Honestly I thought I would never have to see the scarred woman again but I am wrong. 

"Rachel, I think Jordan requires some of that medicine" James interrupts. Turning around I see James holding a sick and sweaty Jordan in his arms.

"Oh my god he looks horrible " I wail rushing over to Jordan. Taking out my canteen I make Jordan drink the medicine first than take small swallows of water.  We did that for a couple of minutes until Jordan finishes the medicine bottle.

"This isn't good. He looks worse than last time and the ship just set sail "James mentions. 

" The sea is our greatest weakness Laura predicted it." I grumble feeling dizzy as the ship rocks against the waves. If this is foreshadowing how this trip is going to go Jordan and I will be having a rough time.  Taking a breath I decide to take Jordan to his cabin. "Let's go and get you in bed Jordan."

The Trials of the Earth WitchWhere stories live. Discover now