Claire's Downfall

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                                                                                    Malcolm (POV)

Watching Rachel go I hissed at the sword pointed at my throat held by the Captain of the Royal Guard. A man I met twice but his work was greatly known at the castle.  Cain was a legend in Neva and right now his focus was on me.

"You've assaulted my men."  He hissed harshly.

"We didn't touch them, but Claire is Mallorian and I take responsibility." Bowing my head in respect ready to take accountability. As Cain was about to order my capture one of the injured came back in the room. His arm was in a sling with a bad head wound but the man stood strong.

"Don't arrest him" shouted the man walking up to Cain. "He helped defend the wounded when the king abandoned us." Explained the man and Cain took the man's words in consideration.

"Very well Dillon as my second I trust your judgement for now." Cain answered turning his eyes back to me. " I will ignore your escape if you surrender and go back to your cell."

"I cannot do that.  My fiancée Rachel is pregnant and went after Claire" I replied. " I must assist her so I have to politely decline."

"The lady is your fiancée"  one of the guards asked to me looking disturbed by the news.

"Yes, she is "I answered  proudly.

"That can't be. She's the king's new bride" stuttered the same man.

"No, I'm Rachel's fiancé not your king the Tollar stone predicted it." I declared knowing all these men knew of the significance of the stone. Anyone who grew up in the north heard about the fable stone that picks the royals brides.

" That cannot be the king has announced it." Cain maintained looking defiant at me like I was the one in the wrong. 

"He isn't lying Cain." Curtis responded entering the room with Silas and doctors to treat the wounded. "Orion is trying to force Lady Rachel into marriage against her will.  I am afraid my cousin has committed a great act of betrayal."  Curtis's presence and claims seen to settle all doubt of Orion's guilt. Curtis was a man many knew and served under in the armies. His words were as good as gold with these men.

"Why have you not stopped him yet" asked Dillon still in disbelief.

"The council tried to interfere but he disbanded it." Silas  spoke his voice seemed to carry around the room as the soldiers went into an outrage. The council was sacred to the people and it was the only fair justice against the crown's influence.

At those words the soldiers all looked ready to hang Orion. Cain looked at Curtis bowing with all the rest of  the men doing the same. It was a clear sign that they now recognize Curtis as the king now. " Your majesty what is your orders."

"First we go help Lady Rachel apprehend the ice witch. The people safety comes first and then we take my cousin down." Curtis announcement lit a fire in the men's hearts. Feeling the pressure subside I was happy things where finally going our way. However my biggest worry is Rachel and how she's faring against Claire.

Rachel (POV)

Running after Claire was daunting as the woman would zig and zag along. The people of the city scattered getting out of the crazed woman's way. Many running to their houses for cover when a snow storm appeared. Heading toward the pier Claire took a right towards some rocky cliffs and I saw my chance to strike.

Using some of my magic I turned the ground into  mud. Once Claire stepped into  it she was stuck and unable to move making me grin. " Did you get stuck in my mud" I taunted trying to get Claire off her focus. I needed to distract her until Malcolm or the soldiers arrive. I knew that wouldn't be long with how much of a mother hen Malcolm can be.

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