Meeting Father

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The next three weeks were the hardest that I have ever known in my short life. With giving Kendra a burial at sea and comforting a mourning Danny those were very stressful times.  Nonetheless I had to face them because Danny needed my support. The little boy didn't leave my side and became my shadow clinging to Jordan or myself.

I was constantly sitting with the child holding him when he cried. Helping to put him to sleep because all the nightmares Danny had from his mother's loss. Malcolm came to me when Jordan finely coaxes Danny to play with him alone in their room.

"Rachel get ready, we're departing the ship this afternoon. " He announced rubbing my shoulder.

" I'm glad I can't stand being on the ship any longer. It slowly draining what's left of my energy." I groaned moving to my room to take the remedy Laura made again.  I been taking the pills five times a day but the effect seems to be wearing off quickly each passing day. I could barely pick up Jordan or Danny anymore as fatigue started to make me dizzy.

"I know the ship  has been hard on you because of your magic. And the stress of Kendra's passing didn't help much." Malcolm declared wrapping a fur blanket around my  shoulder to keep me warm from the coldness in the cabin.

A couple of days ago we entered the North Sea and the weather became colder. As we approach  Neva the snow began to fall all around us. Neva was a snow covered land like Malloria and weather can be brutal there.

"Start packing dear we need to leave in the next four hours." Nodding at Malcolm's order  I was happy to get off this watery prison. In those hours I finished packing mine and the children's things. Doublechecking that  Jordan and Danny packed all their belongings I halted. In the corner  Danny stared at the deck with a sadden face. Rubbing his shoulder I knew the boy didn't want to leave the ship ,but there was no one to care for him. It was decided Danny would travel with us to Malloria, so we could escort him to his family.

Staring at the deck around me, I looked at the port happy to see land.  Dozens of ships and people from the capital city flowed around the port but two men stuck out to me. One was obviously a knight with his silver armor  sticking out with the plainly dressed commoners. The next man beside the knight was casually dress but something about him got my attention.

He was a tall black man wearing a blue shirt around his lean but built frame. The man had high cheekbones and a smile that stretched across his face as he waved at the ship. Once we docked James rushed off the ship nearly shoving many of the crew members to the side to hug the unknown man. 

When it was mine and the boys' time to depart l couldn't  help but smile. Each step I took my energy level increase and feeling solid earth under my feet felt amazing.

"Father come meet Rachel" James shouted interrupting my peace.  At hearing his words my mouth fail open as I looked into familiar amber eyes that matched my own. Randal Harris looked just like James and Jordan you couldn't deny this was my father.

My birth father looked  as stunned as myself for a moment before he  hugged me. The sudden embrace surprised me as I felt myself stiffen up 

"I can't believe you are here my dear "Randal declared in an emotional tone as tears misted his eyes. Still in shock I couldn't speak  but Randal didn't notice as he ranted on. "Your mother Vivian will be speechless when she sees you at the castle today." 

"Mother  is here"  James shouted in excitement at the news. I on the other hand felt sick at the prospect of meeting another new-found parent today. Only weeks ago I thought Gail was my mother this was so overwhelming. And than I remembered the  little sister that James mention we had. What was her name again I panicked but someone else entered the conversation?

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