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After feeling Laura's presence in the necklace I knew I had to clear the room of my family. "Everyone get out of the room and leave Jordan alone" I ordered in a calm voice getting everyone's attention at once. They all stared at me like I was insane not even trying to listen to my request.

"We aren't leaving him" father protested.

"Trust me this is the only way to save him. So please leave" I begged not wanting to go into detail about the necklaces' powers. All I wanted was them to leave so Laura could reveal herself and saved Jordan. But my family wouldn't listen standing their ground.

"Rachel you're making no sense" Mother said staying by Jordan's bed. Everyone looked at me in hysterics and I wanted to scream. Loud footsteps came to the door as Malcolm rushed in with Daniel Black at his side. The two men looked stricken when their eyes landed on Jordan.

Malcolm went to my side but I backed away. "Everyone please get out." I yelled again getting the same reaction from before.

Malcolm looked stun at my harsh tone, yet when I gesture to my gem. Understanding filled his face realizing what I was planning to do. "You heard my fiancée everyone leave immediately" Malcolm commanded in a grave voice.

"Your highness she's not thinking logically" mother argued.

"Vivian I'm your prince and I command all of you to leave this room. " Malcolm ordered using all the authority in his titles as my family started to move toward the door. Mother was last to go as she stared at us for the longest before leaving. Without a moment to spare I moved a chest in front of the door. Once I'm sure the door was blocked I grabbed my necklace praying that Laura could do a miracle..

"Rachel I'm here and I know I can help Jordan" Laura answered  out of the necklace and at hearing that I felt relieved."  

"What do we need to do first?"

"First, we need to overwhelm the magic in Jordan's amulet, so I can heal him" instructed Laura reminding me the amulet can repel magic. "Aim your diamond at the amulet."

"Why it won't do nothing"  I snapped at my friend without meaning to.

"It will if we all combined our magic at the same time said another voice as I felt Andy's presence and Sarah through the gem. Feeling their magic and calmness flowed into me as Laura explained the plan.

"Will it work" I questioned my friends.

"Its the only way to help him " Laura said seriously,

"We can wait for the physician maybe he can help "Malcolm responded half heartily looking at Jordan as my brother was taking shallow breath.

"You know the chances are slim of people surviving this cold. "Laura declared in a sad voice as the words were clear. This was the only chance at saving Jordan's life.

"Lets do it " I announced as new resolved filled me lifting the necklace and pointed it at the ore amulet. I felt the pressure of the other girl's magic as it burst out of my necklace hitting the amulet around my brother's neck. As it hit Jordan didn't move a bit making me worry.

"Focus girls we have to do this right if we want to save Jordan" ordered Laura as magic filled the room. The little room felt the effects of the magic as the ground shaked and windows broke around me. I could hear a curse as Malcolm dashed to the door holding the chest in place as people banged against it.

Vines and ivy from outside started to flow inside the room and covered the walls and rain started to fall outside. Magic consumed  my being as I pushed it towards the amulet. The amulet tried to repel our magic like before but it was counter back.  The mixed force of all my friends magic defeated the amulet and with one final glow it stopped working.

The Trials of the Earth WitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora