Still Connected

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After meeting Kendra  a week ago my routine changed from moping in my room to chatting with the captain. Most of my days were spent with Danny and Jordan  watching the little boys cause trouble around the ship..  Nonetheless I still had sickness from the pregnancy but I felt at peace since I arrived on the boat. It was one day when I looked over my healed arm  that a dizziness overwhelmed me.   Images started to appear in my mind with a warm heat spreading under my chin. Reaching to touch the warmth I found it was my diamond necklace. Feeling the images consume me more I felt myself slide to the ground my body frozen. Things kept appearing rushing into my mind until everything halted when one image became the focus. 

The image was  of someone walking into a building  decorated with Native statues and flowers. A little altar was in the middle of the building as three people stood in front of it. One of the people I recognize as King Louis of Perta dressed in a silk shirt and fine pants with his crown on his head. I never seen the king so dressed up before but something else caught my attention. Examining the two people next  to Louis a priest and the Shawkees elder in Laura's tribe. A commotion was heard  when a door on the opposite side of the room opened. I gasp seeing Laura walk through with her father on her arm.

In a pretty white lace gown with a high collar and her topaz necklace visible. Also around her shoulders was a tribal shawl used for weddings in the Native culture. Tears rolled down my eyes realizing  I 'm somehow witnessing Laura's wedding. Not wanting to let my emotions ruin this miracle I continued  watching.

Laura's father slowly led his daughter to the altar and placing her beside Louis. He kissed her forehead and moved to the side so that the wedding could continue.

City citizens and Natives all stood as the priest started the vows with the elder. After repeating the pledges, the priest announced them husband and wife." Perta your King and new Queen."   

Cheers were heard from everyone  inside as flowers was thrown at Laura and Louis walking down the aisle to get out of the church. Outside I saw a large castle realizing where Laura's wedding was located. The capital of Perta Helena was beautiful especially  the castle grounds.  The gardens were filled with dozens of flowers making it an ideal wedding location. Standing next to the roses and the fountains Laura looked so happy,

Touching my gem I wanted to send my approval to Laura. It was like my magic answered my request flaring suddenly and Laura's topaz did the same.  Instead  of Laura 'normal healing magic  the topaz was filled with my earth magic seeping into the ground. In that area a small tree grew by the roses with blue blossoms until it was fully grown.. The crowd screamed  at the sight of the tree but one man pointed to one of the fountains.

Turning to the fountain I saw the  water swirling. It moved forming a heart before changing into ice. The ice sculpture had Laura's name neatly place in the middle.

People gawk at the tree and the fountain in wonder. And I felt another  presence in the gem beside my own wanting to congratulate Laura. A voice was heard  coming out  of Laura's necklace speaking clearly. 

"Laura, we saw everything and I hope you like the fountain." Sarah declared in a weeping voice. I almost choked up after hearing Sarah's voice after such a long time. 

Andy's voice came soon after Sarah's. "You made a beautiful bride and we wanted to let you know we are here."

Laura begun sobbing as Louis stood beside her trying to comfort her. Getting her composure Laura clutch the topaz around her neck and spoke. "I am glad that you got to see everything and thank you my friends for your gifts."

I touched my own gem and decided to join  in. "Don't cry its your wedding day enjoy  it but  don't have too much fun. We don't need another pregnancy in this group Laura." Earning a laugh I felt like chuckling myself. It felt so good to see my friends after all this time and to hear their voices felt  unreal.

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