The Fight (Malcolm POV)

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"This is such a mess" I bellowed out as soon as Rachel and the women left. I refused to admit it in front of Rachel because I didn't want to stress out my already pregnant fiancée. She should be pampered not fighting her family's allegations.

"Yes, Gail really hates you for trying to marry Rachel" agreed  King Jacob of Polla . The shaggy haired royal that always had a grin didn't wear it right now. A frown marred his face and the others seemed to share his feelings.

"Its delusional that she blames you and Rachel for ruining her family."  Prince Mark growled.

"I've never wanted to swear at a woman before. Yet I almost made an exception for Gail" I admitted. Just remembering all the words I held back when Gail hurled cruel insults at Rachel.  Now I'm proud for the discipline my mother taught me at a young age. If not for that and if Gail was a man she would be on the floor right now.

"I'm glad you didn't swear because she's still Rachel's mother." Louis answered as the king of Perta looked at me with respect and sympathy.

"I see the resemblance  between Gail and Rachel but their whole attitude and beliefs are completely different. Gail tried to guilt my fiancée into staying so she can care for her grown brothers." I hissed in disbelief about the absurdity of it.

"Its your burden to bear" Mark replied.

"Why could I not get a pleasant mother in law instead of that harpy Gail." I groaned at how rotten my luck was becoming. This is not how I planned to have my engagement go.  Gail was suppose to love me and wish Rachel all the happiness in the world. Instead she will not bless our union just because I'm not a black man."

"You have to face it Malcolm, that blessing is never coming " Jacob declared harshly making me let go of my wishful thinking. 

"Jacob, can I be a little bit hopeful that Gail might see reason". I started but the King of Polla just looked at me with honest eyes.

 "Malcolm,  where you watching the same woman. "Jacob said waving his hand around the room." Gail would rather disown Rachel and Jordan then to admit that this wedding is a good idea."

"Jacob is right Malcolm "Mark agreed. " Rachel chose you even with her family's disapproval take that to heart. " Letting the words settle in my mind I had to admit they sounded good. 

"And leaving would help Rachel craft her own future. Maybe  she can make more jewelry" proposed Louis making me grin. My Rachel was a crafter of jewelry using her magic she can fused different minerals and rocks together making unique pieces.

"That would be nice " I respond thinking of the mines in Malloria filled with gems and other materials Rachel could use for her work.

"And you'll be far away from her mother and brothers "Jacob mention slyly."

"Now that is something I can drink too" I cheered meaning every word earning laughter around the table. It felt good to let off some steam especially after all that happen these last few weeks. 

"And no offense Malcolm departing tomorrow might be good for your health." claimed Mark looking at me with knowing black eyes.

"I'm fine " " I grumbled feeling a familiar headache all of a sudden.

"Malcolm, I can tell you haven't been sleeping the last few days. And don't lie I also notice that you seem hyper alert lately."  Mark allege staring me down. 

Shaking my head I chuckled at being found out." I shouldn't have tried to hide it from your eagle eyes Mark.  Yes I'm worried about Cody Walker and how his presence impacts Rachel. He might be captured but his very existence threatens everything I desire."

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