25| school wrecker I

409 33 14

The air is warm.

I feel a prickling sensation run up my arm at the sudden temperature change. Rubbing my arms to stop the discomforting feeling, my eyes follow Dean's flashlight to spot a light lamp dangling from the ceiling; however, no light is given out to the surroundings. The boiler room is equally as dark as the rest of school. It's like the further we walk into the school, the darker, quieter and spookier it becomes. The entire five minutes has been a scene from a horror movie, and will probably end that way—

Two students murdered by the boogeyman in the boiler room.

I shiver at the thought. I scoot closer to Dean as I try to hide away from dark corners— the imaginary boogeyman.

"There. That's the tarpaulin." Dean focuses his flashlight on a black tarp located at a corner behind the gigantic machines.

"Good. Let's grab them, and get the hell outta here."

I'm about to race towards the black tarp, but my source of light vanishes in an instant.


My eyes struggle to adjust to the darkness. And a shock of panic hits me. My voice is small as I call for him again. "Dean?"

My ears pick up a snicker from my right side.

"Dean's no longer here, mortal child." A deep, hoarse voice sounds.

Mortal child? The fuck?

I roll my eyes even when he can't see them. "Dean, just turn the flashlight back on. This isn't the time for games."

A chuckle follows after my request, and the sound of footsteps retracting makes my pulse rise.

"Dean!" I yell for him in the dark.

Silence echoes back.

"Dean, come on. Be serious about this. Let's get the things and leave."

More silence.

"Now, you're the one acting immature. You think this will scare—"

I jump back instantly at an inhumane breathless roar. My mouth opens wider to let out a scream when Dean's flashlight immediately comes on a split second later, illuminating his face which has a freakish smile on it. The sight makes my body grow cold, turning my legs weak, thereby causing me to plummet to the ground. My butt collides with the hard floor and it sends a slight ache to shoot up my spine.

The aching sensation gets worse when I hear Dean's loud ass laughter.

I glare up at him. "Glad one of us enjoyed that." He continues laughing hard, taking off his glasses in the action to wipe whatever tear may have slipped. My eyes grow darker. "So, that's what summons the butterflies in your belly? Psycho."

He points the flashlight in my face, and I squint. "Okay, I'm sorry. Let me help you up." He reaches a hand forward.

Swat his hand away.

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