letter ten

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letter ten: your baby bowl cut

Dear T. S.,

Your junior high pictures are the most precious thing I've ever seen.

I remember when Eita showed me them.

It was at our 2nd year training camp. We were all messing around in the hallways since I wasn't allowed in the boys room. We had gotten on the topic of our junior high pictures, and for whatever reason, Eita had a picture of you.

After you trying to get rid of the picture for a little while, Eita managed to send me the picture. Immediately after, you deleted the picture off of Eita's phone.

The look of horror on your face when you heard my phone ding was almost enough for me to not look.

Almost, but not quite.

I'm so glad I looked.

A bowl cut?


Despite how much a bowl cut would've been ugly on anyone else, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen on you.

That photo may or may not be in my favorites.

So Tendou, if you couldn't tell, I really love your baby bowl cut.


Y/N L/N.

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