letter thirteen

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letter thirteen: your "spidey senses"

Dear T.S.,

I don't really know what the right name to call this is, but spidey senses seemed pretty accurate.

For clarification, I mean the way you just know what's going to happen, or how someone feels.

I of course see this all the time in games with your guess blocking, and don't get me wrong that's cool and all, but I didn't fall in love with your blocking.

I fell for how you just know when something is wrong with me.

It's actually really funny to me. I put in effort to be kind of mean to you, yet you still stick around. I suppose maybe that's why you're so good at knowing when something is wrong with me, because as much as I "hate" (I actually love it, please never leave me alone.) you being around me so much, you're around me more than anyone else.

Anyway, back to your "spidey senses".

I think the time I really started to love this little talent of yours was on a particularly hard day. I had flunked a test, woke up late, and had some first year drink spilt all over me. Now, I'm normally the type of person who can get over stuff quickly, but for whatever reason, I just wasn't having it that day.

When I walked into class late and covered in whatever that first year was drinking, everyone was of course worried.

I was able to convince them I was alright, and that the stain wasn't bothering me, despite how much I wanted to just go back to my bed and maybe cry. You though, saw straight through me.

The class was currently walking around and working on our latest project, so I figured it would be a good time to hand our teacher my late pass. When I came back to my desk, your blazer and a small note was placed over my seat.

"As cute as you look with some random stain, feel free to use this. It's hot in here anyways."

At lunch when I went to return your blazer was really something else though.

"You aren't very good at hiding your emotions, not from me at least."

When I asked how you knew, the only response I got was "I just knew you weren't okay.", which literally was the cutest thing ever, by the way.

Basically, as much as I will deny it everytime, it is really nice to have someone who notices stuff like that, thank you.

So Tendou, in case you couldn't tell, I really love your spidey senses".



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