Chapter 9

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The avengers went back to normal.   In their back of their minds they envisioned the teenaged boy.  Fury had come asking for Percy with his answer.   When the avengers explained what had happened he scolded them for letting a potential threat walk out. 

Fury had put an alert in S.H.E.I.L.D. to bring in Percy Jackson without harm.  He did not need a potential ally distrusting him.   He also muttered something about the gods.  Whether that meant he researched the gods is unclear.   Fury did not reveal information until it involved the person.

Natasha decided to visit Sally.  It had been a week.  Enough to give Percy time to cool off.   She made a serious error in judgement.   Percy was a kid and even if he was viewed as a potential threat he did not need to hear it.  Percy did not asked to be put into wars.  Percy did not ask to be part of the avengers.  With great power comes great responsibility.  Those words did not highlight the personal sacrifice.

Natasha had been given the power to kill by the red room.  Because of the red room she could not have children.  They took away that ability like they had taken away so many things.  Natasha found herself back at the door again.   She sympathized with the kid.   They had more in common than even he thought.  They both had to sacrifice.   She knocked on the door.

Sally opened the door.   Her hair was a little messy.  She looked like she just woke up from a nap.  Natasha noticed the crinkles on her clothing.   Definitely sleeping.   Sally raised an eyebrow and then she put her hand on her hip.  

"Anything you want to tell me?"

Natasha had never been held under this level of scrutiny.  Well she had, but not by a family member.  Sally was waiting.  The longer she waited to answer the more the silence spoke volumes of Natasha's guilt.  "I apologize for lying about having a sleepover with Percy."

"And," Sally prompted.  Natasha felt like she was a naughty child under Sally's eyes.

"I am sorry if I treated my nephew in a deceitful way."  

Sally smiled.   She opened the door.  "Want some cookies?"   Natasha did not know what to think.  Just like that Sally let her into her home. 


Natasha found herself on the couch again.  It felt like she was back in the same spot again.  The only thing missing was Percy. 

Sally came back with blue cookies.   Did Sally's supply of blue cookies never cease?   Natasha grabbed a cookie and ate.  Sally situated herself on the couch.

After Natasha finished eating the cookie she faced Sally who looked at her in concern.  She was looking at the cut above Natasha's eyebrow.   "It's part of the job description."

Sally nodded.  "You and Percy are going to drive me mad with worry."

Natasha's heart expressed a foreign emotion.   Sally was worried.  Natasha's outward was nothing more than a blank face.  Somehow Sally seemed to read through her blank exterior which was impossible. 

"How is Percy?"

Sally shrugged.  "He went back to camp for a brief time to train the campers.  He has two weeks before he has to go to school."  Natasha nodded.   Natasha had read Percy's file and she knew he was probably not to pleased about being sent back to school.

"How does Percy feel about going back to school."  Natasha already knew the answer.  She knew Sally had forgiven her, but Natasha was still on edge.  Waiting for Sally to yell at her or have a normal angry reaction.

Sally shook his head.  "He does not like school, but I want him to finish high school and have as normal as a life as he can get.  He wants to be a marine biologist," Sally said, wistfully.

Natasha smiled slightly at the look on Sally's face.   She could tell Sally really loved her son.   Natasha felt a pang of jealousy, but squashed it down.  Percy was really lucky to have someone like Sally as a mom.

"Just a warning.  Fury is sending SHEILD agents to retrieve Percy."  Natasha sounded casual when she spoke, but underneath she was determined.  She decided she liked her nephew and Sally.   Did she make a rash decision?  Yes.  Was she going to regret it?  Probably.   Hopefully not.

"What," Sally asked.  Natasha waited in silence as Sally processed the information.  "Explain what SHEILD is?"

"It's a secret organization that protects the world from threats.  Don't worry Fury said not to harm Percy."

Sally shook her head.  "It's what being a mom is about.  Worrying about your child constantly.  The worst part is when they go through something you can't protect them from."  Sally looking melancholic.  "Can you promise me something?"

Natasha looked at Sally a little unsure.   Sally's voice sounded distant.  As if she was in another world.  Natasha nodded.  Unsure where this was going.

"If something ever happens to me - will you please take care of Percy?" 

Natasha did not know what to think.  "Is someone threatening you?"

Sally smiled sadly.  "Their are things that you can't understand.   Things at play that I protected Percy from.  I need you to promise me this."

Natasha nodded slowly.  Natasha held out a card to Sally.  "If you change your mind about whatever is threatening you.  We will deal with it."  Natasha gave Sally the card.

Sally looked at the card briefly before setting it on the table.  "Thank you."

Natasha nodded and looked at the card.  "You might want to keep the card on you."

Sally smiled sheepishly looking so much like Percy in that moment.   Natasha hugged Sally feeling warm and a sense of peace wash over her.  When she left she felt different.  A sense of worry spread inside her.  Was someone threatening Sally.  And if so then who?  Who would threaten her?  She was nice.  Sally called in Fury.   Maybe he could do something for Sally.  Most likely not, but Natasha had to try.   Sally was one of the only relatives she had left.  Even though she only met Sally briefly she cared deeply for her sister.

Percy Jackson Crossover Avengers AssembleWhere stories live. Discover now