Part 4

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Monday morning on set was always manic.
Lines of actors and extras waited outside my trailer for their make up. A Georgian party scene meant I was glad I'd stocked up on white paint.

I was so busy that by the time I'd finished my last client I'd realised I hadn't even eaten that morning.
"I'm starving," I said to Louise, the costume designer as we collapsed in plastic chairs outside the trailer.
"I'll get you something from the van," she said as she got up to get her lunch.
I could smell bacon and eggs cooking with the sound of sizzling the only audible thing. On set it was silent as Martha did her first take, getting it right first go and smashing it. In the cold plastic chair, I could've fallen asleep, I was so exhausted. I hadn't got much sleep over the weekend. I hadn't left Ben's house, except to stock up on clean pants, since Friday and the 'fantasy' in the trailer. It really had been the best weekend I'd ever had. Lounging around, eating nothing but take away pizza and watching crappy tv, just messing around together and cuddling on the sofa. That was, when we left the bed.

My thoughts had run away with me and I was miles away, so much so that I hadn't noticed the sound of the plastic chair beside me being dragged across the concrete. Someone sat down and I assumed it was Louise with our food.
"Earth to Jules," I saw a hand wave in front of my face which snapped my thoughts back to reality.
It was Ben, dressed as Alexander the Great- I giggled when I saw that.
"Nice hair," I said.
"Thanks," he replied, pretending to toss his hair back behind him.
"Did you bring me food?" I was still starving.
"Nice to see you too," he laughed.
"Sorry, I've been soooo busy this morning, haven't even had time to eat."
"I'll get you something," he went to stand up, pushing the arms of the plastic chair down to help himself stand.
"It's okay, I think Louise has gone, she'll be back soon," I replied. At that moment I saw Louise heading back to us with two bacon rolls in her hands. Casually, she looked up, saw me sat with Ben and did a swift U-turn.
"What's that about? She's got my food!" I pretended to be angry, adding a chuckle at the end so he knew I wasn't serious.
"I'll leave you to it, I just wondered if you were free tonight," Ben said, sitting forward on his chair.
"Of course, why?" I replied, assuming that he'd invite me back to his place again.
"I thought we should go out tonight," he looked at the floor like he was shy.
"Like on a date?" I couldn't hide my excitement.
"Yeah," he smiled.
"Yes! Our first date." I said, ecstatic. It seemed a bit strange that we hadn't even had a date yet, yet I'd stayed in his bed for almost the entire weekend. Anyway, I was so looking forward to getting dressed up and having Ben see me at my best. And of course, I was looking forward to seeing him dressed up.
Ben stood up and couldn't hide his huge grin spreading over his face. He bent over, touched my face and kissed me softly.
"See you later." He said quietly.

I couldn't stop smiling when Louise came over to join me. She felt safe to sit there now that Ben had gone.
"You didn't need to leave," I told her.
"You two looked like you needed some privacy," she winked at me.
"What have you heard?" As far as I was aware, no one on set apart from Mat (and evidently Martha) knew about Ben and I.
"C'mon Jules, it's so obvious." She giggled
"Is it?" I felt quite disheartened. I thought we'd done a good job of hiding it.
"Jim saw you two arriving on set this morning. Together."
"And Jim told everyone?" I questioned.
"He was like a kid in the playground," she started to do an impression of him: "'You'll never guess what I've just seen!' Mat happily confirmed his suspicions." She was still laughing.
"Great. What else did Mat say?" A sense of panic started to come over me when I thought about the other night, with Mat and Ben.
"Just that you two hit it off on the night out last week and haven't been without one another since!" She said.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
"I think it's cute. I've always thought you looked at him... in a different way." Louise said.
"What do you mean?" I was giggling now, pretending to dap her on the shoulder.
"You always get closer to his face than any of the others."
We both laughed as we began to tuck into our lunch.
"What did he want?" Louise asked with a full mouth.
"He asked me on a date," I said.
She looked confused.
"Wait," she said, "you mean you've spent the whole weekend with him, presumably at his house, and probably not baking, and now you're going on a date?" She furrowed her brows.
"We haven't had the most conventional start, I'll admit," Obviously I was thinking about the first night we got together, but she didn't need to know that. "I'm not normally like that though..." I tried to back pedal so I didn't look like I was super easy.
"Just for him," she winked again. We both burst into laughter.
"Quiet on set, please!" The director called out to us, the entire cast and crew looking back at Louise and I as we stifled giggles by shoving our mouths full of bacon bap.

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