Part 9

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I could hear a stirring from downstairs as Ben and I dozed, still naked and still in the process of catching our breath. I tugged on his limp arm that lay draped across my chest and squirmed out from under his warming embrace. Pulling on my underwear and dress, I opened the door ever so slightly and peeked out through a tiny gap.
"I'm going to go downstairs. You follow me in a while, but leave it a bit." I whispered.
"Jules, you're my girlfriend, we're allowed to be alone together." Ben protested.
"I know," I started, "but I've only just met these people- I don't want them to get the wrong impression of me!"
He quietly understood and agreed to hang back.

I descended the stairs, again, as silently as I could, fixing my hair and clothing on the way down. Entering the living room, the end credits of the film were rolling and people were talking, stretching and protesting that they hadn't been asleep for the past three hours.
"Did anyone actually watch it?" I heard Larry say.
"Everyone knows what happens anyway." Simon replied.
Martha opened the door and walked out of the living room, meeting me in the hallway.
"Oh, hello. Where have you been?" She asked, eyebrow raised.
"Bathroom." I said.
"Downstairs one not good enough for you?" Martha was carrying empty mugs into the kitchen, I followed. "You must've left Ben up there."
It was too late for me to try and make a first impression. They already knew I was a terrible person. I really didn't want everyone to think that about me, but they did and there was nothing I could do about it. That first night probably didn't help, 'Stupid Juliet!' I internally slapped my palm to my forehead.
"God. What must you all think of me?" I was ashamed.
Martha laughed, "We don't think any less of you, silly!" She rubbed my arm in a caring way.
We were quickly joined in the kitchen by Jim, Larry, Simon and Mat who had finally emerged from their hibernation in the living room.
"Oh, here she is." Mat said, quickly met by my glare.
"Is he up?... So to speak..." Larry immediately regretted how he'd phrased that. I rolled my eyes. "Only, I need a lift home."
"Yeah, we're off now." I said.
It seemed the others had grown tired, not for the first time, of Larry's film choice, choosing to call it a day and head home for an early night.

Hugs and kisses to Martha and I, and everyone bar Larry, Ben and I had gone. Ben came downstairs as everyone was leaving, saying goodbye and being met with winks and nudges from the boys.
He carried my bag for me and we headed out to the car. Martha stooped me in the doorway, "Thanks." She said.
"What for?" I was curious. I was the one who should be thanking her.
"For being a friend. I miss having another girl around. It's so nice to have you here." She smiled.
"Aww, thank you too." We hugged and waved goodbye.

"Looks like someone's made a friend." Ben said as I got in the passenger seat, Larry awkwardly sat in the back. I smiled at him.
"I can't believe it's started already." Larry piped up.
"What?" Ben looked to him in the rear-view mirror.
"I'm being downgraded to the back seat."
Ben and I chuckled and left Larry to his sulk.


After dropping Larry home I was glad to be back at Ben's to shower and finally relax a little.
I freshened up and joined Ben on the sofa, pulling my book out from my bag and flicking to where I'd left off. He was reading too, this week's script which had arrived in the post this morning.
I looked up at him, "You're cute when you're concentrating."
He snorted, not looking up from his reading. He wore glasses when he read and, honestly, it made him even more sexy, and I didn't even think that was possible. I thought about us having sex while he wore his glasses and quickly realised I was sex obsessed. Or maybe I wasn't, maybe I just was with Ben. It always felt like such a chore with William, like it was expected at least twice a month. But with Ben, wow, I could literally be fucking him every minute of every day and I genuinely don't think I'd get sick of it.

I was so needy for him right now, it made me cringe just thinking about it. God, Jules, you're supposed to be the playing-hard-to-get strong female character here. But I couldn't help it. I was tired, still quite horny from earlier in the day and just wanted him to hold me and kiss me all over.
I closed my book slowly and placed it down on the coffee table before scootching myself up to him. Still not lifting his eyes from the paper, I moved closer. He looked up to me, noticing how close I now was.
"What are you doing?" He laughed.
"I'm tired." I said, hoping he'd be caring and soppy towards my groggy mood.
"I don't mind if you want to have a nap." Ben returned to his reading. I sighed softly and bit my lower lip, the beginnings of frustration.
"Ben," I said.
He looked at me again. In one motion, I snatched the top of the script out of his hands and tossed it aside. Before his face could from the expression of horror, I kissed him.
It wasn't long before I felt him melt into the kiss. We were pulling away and diving in again.

Before I knew it, our kissing fest had been going on for half an hour or more. I was so needy, it was painful, I just wanted to have a cuddly night in with my big, strong, warm boyfriend and that was all.
"Baby..." he stressed, "The script..." His hands seemed to effortlessly claw at the air as if not actually trying to get his script back.
My bottom lip jutted out, pouting ever so puppy-like up at him, now sort of sprawled across his lap and just balancing to stay up with the help of him holding on to my waist. "Your bloody script can wait. I'm your girlfriend." I loved saying that.
He blinked his eyes at me from behind his glasses.
He sighed, going through all the options in his head but honestly it appeared too difficult when I brushed my thumb over his cheek in circles and my lips nipping at his neck, "Fine. Just one. One kiss and that's—"
My mouth pressed against him in a desperate kiss, mumbling a quick ,"Yes, hmm, yes," nudging the tip of my tongue against his to open up, trying to get a more passionate kiss.
Ben pulled back with a gasp his hands delicately fondling my chest, "No no no no no. I said one—"
I curled my fingers around his wrists and leaned in again. Lips smacking several short pecks on his lips. "Does it matter?"
Almost instantly, I felt him begin to cave in as my teeth gently nibbled at his bottom lip, pulling away seductively. My tongue met his again. "Jules," Ben whined.
I separated myself from him with my forehead still pressed to his, eyes closed and the tip of our noses brushing playfully, "I'm so in love with you." I whispered.
His hands lifted from where they were gripping my sides to my head, brushing the loose strands of hair away from my face. "I just can't get enough of you." I placed a final and wet kiss on his lips.
He cracked a broad smile.
"I love the needy you." He said, "But can I have my script back now, please?"
I rolled my eyes and laughed, lifting myself from his lap and passing his papers back to him.
"I actually am exhausted." I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "Can I stay tonight? Think I need an early night."
"Of course, I'll be up soon." He replied.

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