Part 12

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The afternoon was hectic. After the cast and crew started to arrive for the shoot, the queue outside my trailer got longer and longer. I was working like mad on a conveyer belt of Georgians for a banquet scene, followed by a song. Louise ended up having to help me with wigs, though they weren't really her forte and I always had to fix them just as the actors were walking on set.
"Saved the best till last!" Martha said as she arrived in my make up chair, last in line. All of the guys had been and had their make up done but I was too busy to even talk, even to Ben.
As I quickly went about my work on Ben's face, he kept looking at me with a concerned expression, visibly worried about how hard I was working.

I smiled when Martha arrived but I don't know if it was because I was happy to see her, or if I was happy to see the end of the line. I wiped my brow and said, "Phew" melodramatically.
"Busy day?" She said, looking at me in the mirror, stood behind her.
I finished her look with minutes to spare as I heard the director call all of the actors to their positions.
Louise and I looked at each other, utterly knackered. I slumped down into my chair and thanked god that that was over. It had been getting busier of late, since the casting expanded and larger scenes were being shot with more extras. There was a knock at the trailer door.
"Come in." Louise shouted from the padded bench.
It was one of the producers of the show, Lizzy.
"Hey." Was all I could manage to say through my exhaustion.
"Hey, Jules I wondered if I could have a word." Lizzy walked over to me and sat on the other make up chair beside me.
"Course, what is it?" I said, curious and a bit nervous. Was this about Ben and I?
"We've noticed you've been really busy lately." She started to say, "And it's not fair to put all of that work onto you with all the extra casting we've been doing."
Where was she going with this?
"We've decided to hire an apprentice make up artist to help you."
"Brilliant!" I yelled.
This was excellent news, no more hectic days and racing to finish make up. I could take my time and feel like I was actually doing a proper job of it.
"But she is only an apprentice, so she'll be under your guidance. Is that okay?" Lizzy sounded unsure.
"Of course, that's amazing, thanks so much Lizzy!"
"No problem, she's starting Monday."
It was Friday, so it was all happening fairly quickly, but I was super excited none-the-less.


"That's awesome!" Ben said when he came to get me at the end of the day. Standing in my trailer he was much too tall for, I smiled at him, loving that he was so supportive and happy for me. "You're going to be someone's boss!"
I laughed, "Not quite."
"Well I think it's sexy." He said as he edged closer to me, his hands trailing around my waist.
"Come on, let's go. You're going out tonight, aren't you? With Mat?" I asked.
"Yeah, but you're coming too, right?" Ben looked needy.
"I thought it was just going to be the two of you?" I was confused.
Ben got his phone out and called Mat who had only left the set a few minutes ago.
"Hey mate, it's me. Listen, is it alright is Jules comes with us tonight?" There was silence, "Okay, great. See you then." Ben looked to me, putting his phone back in his pocket. "He assumed you were anyway." He said with a smile.
"Oh, okay." I was glad to be going out to get my mind off of work, and with my two favourite people. Then I remembered, "Shall we invite Martha too?" I said. "Maybe we should invite everyone?"
"Good idea!" Ben said, I was surprised. I thought he'd just want to keep it at himself and Mat and I, but I suppose the others were super close with them too. "I'll put it on the group chat."
I smiled and almost giggled that they had a group chat, but managed to hold it in.

Within seconds of me picking up my bag and locking the trailer, Ben's phone was pinging like mad.
"Everyone says they can come tonight." He said. I was glad and really looking forward to a night out.


We drove home separately and Ben had agreed to pick me up later on. I decided to pamper myself properly before getting ready, having a bath, using a hair mask and exfoliating. I felt so much better after such a crazy day, really feeling the need to let my hair down and enjoy the evening.
I slipped into an endless number of dresses before finally settling on a simple black body con. My straight hair fell over the spaghetti straps and red lipstick clashed against my black silhouette.
There was a knock at the door as I descended the stairs. Ben was early.
Absent-mindedly, I unlatched the door and turned to put my shoes on, allowing Ben to walk in. From the foot of the stairs, I looked up expecting to see his smiling face, but instead, I was met by something completely different.

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