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Mattia pov

Me and the boy were in my locker, and magi was talking with Jayro in her locker which is 2 locker away from mine and we were hearing them talking.

Jay=what are you doing on Saturday?"

Magi= I have to go with nini to juanitas house why?"

Jay=I wanted to hung out"

Magi=oh sorry, I didn't know but I can't let nini go alone sorry"

Jay=no its okey, I would go with joseline to celia party"

Magi=who is celia?"

Jay=kairi girlfriend, oh yeah what happen yesterday?"

Magi=we went to the movies then we went home, but wait I though you were going to david party"

Jay=no, his popular and he had to give you a cards so you can get in his house and I lost mine well I sold it" magi roll her eyes and giggle.

U=I told you to tell me if you needed money, I have work on sunday okey tell me next time" she smile at him and he smile back.

Jay=i have to go joseline is waiting" magi nod and he leaves, magi phone ring and she answer.

Magi=yeah......oh no........ewww......do i have too.......okey bye" she hang up and look to us, we quickly look away and she walk away.

Ale=dude the was close" we laugh and I open my locker.

Kai=that hurt me, she didn't told him we did that" kairi said fake crying.

Ale=we should ask david if its true" we all look at him and nod with a smirk, i put my book in my locker and we start looking for david.


We found David walking out of the locker rooms, and we stopped him.

D=what?" he asked putting his bag in his shoulder.

Kai=we need to ask you something?" he look at us confuse but nod.

Ale=did you lost your v-card to magi" he shake his head and smirked before start walking away.

D=who told you?" we walk behind him while he ask us.

Mat=we heard her talking to her friend"

D=well is true" I smirk and clap.

Ale=that's why you invite her to your party and not us"

D=yeah why, she is really cool but Jenna the hoe one was a bitch to her" The boys laugh and I roll my eyes.

Kai=can we go to your party?" David laugh at us putting his bag in his car

D=nope, no one in this is school is going"

Mat=what about magi and Jayro?"

D=Jayro is my step-brother, and magi well she is good at moving" he said smirking.

Ale=so what we have to let you fuck us so we can go"

D=that's disgusting, and you're not going"

M=wait, would Jayro get mad if he find out magi fuck with you?" I said smirking we always have our ways

D=I don't care" he said without emotion making my smirk disappear

Kai=but he would get mad at magi and not talk to her, then she is not going to have friend and be alone" Kairi told him smirking

D=then she would be alone and I will fuck her harder when he is not in our way to fuck, thank you for telling him you would solve a problem for me and magi"

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