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I have been crying for 3 hours now, I am just waiting for Miguel to get here, and tell him that I am done with this.

Mattia just left, he didn't even let me explain anything, he look so mad, I knew he couldn't be close to this type of shit like drug

The boys told me he had a problem with drugs some months before they start talking to me, and I know feel so bad but I need the money

Mi= they are just gonna do some cleaning" Miguel said as his worker walk to the laundry room

U= no" I whisper making him turn towards me

Mi= excuse me?" Miguel said walking closer to me

U= I said no, I don't want to work for you anymore" I said and he just chuckle

Mi= and why is that? Out of nowhere?"

U= you left your shit in my house and didn't tell me now mattia doesn't want to be with me bc of your shit" I said and feel the tears running down my cheek again

Mi= he is not worth it, your more then enough for him" Miguel said and put a cigarette in his lips

U= why did you left your shit here, you always take it cause you know he use to come here often" I was getting mad

Mi= let him go, he is just a part of your drive to your real love"

U= what the fuck are you talking about, this not better be bc we stop" I semi yell at Miguel who was smiling at me

Mi= of but it is, you know he is nothing to you, I have been waiting for you for years now, in 3 weeks your gonna be legal and we can get merry" Miguel said while trying to touch my hair but I slap his hand

U= your crazy if you think I am gonna merry you, you have a whole ass family waiting for you at home!!" I yell but he didn't seem faced by it

Mi= divorce"

U= your not divorcing that girl, you have 3 kids with her, just give up I am not gonna be with you never again Miguel what we had finish 2 months ago, now thanks to you I lost mattia and the boys!!" I keep yelling but he didn't care

Mi= he is not for you!!, we can be happy together, I can give you anything he can't!!" Miguel yell back slamming his hand in the table

U= I don't care about your money or mattias, we can't be together never again, now get your stuff and leave my house cause if you don't I am never gonna talk to you!!" I yell again with more tears, he shake his head looking down to the floor

Mi= do whatever you want, I would always be here if you need something" he walked to the laundry room and I sit down on the couch again

Minutes later Miguel and his worker walk out with all his shit on bags and boxes, he payed me my last check and they left

U= FUCK!! I HATE MY LIFE!!!" I yell and punch the wall making my fit red

Me not thinking keep doing that until I saw blood, there was blood on my wall and my fit was cover with blood

I didn't have no one, everyone was out of my life, mattia had already told the boys since they weren't answering my messages but I did saw that they were together

I grabbed my phone and and keys and get in my car, I drive to a little market and get off my car

Yes my fit was still cover with blood but I didn't care, I just need some stuff to clean it up

I was in a hallway looking at differentiations 'first kids' there were a lot so I just try to grab the bigger one but it was on the top

Mir= hey mija" I heard mirna said from down the hallway

I turn my head to her and give her a small smile

U= hey mirna" I said when she got to me and pull me to a hug

Mir= how have you been? You should come to dinn— wow what happen to you hand?" Mirna ask when she saw my bloody hand

U= oh I punch the wall, I was mad and sad" I said and she nod while examining my hand

Mir= let me help you clean it and you can have dinner with us" mirna said and I felt a knot on my throat

U= me and mattia broke up today mirna, I don't think that's a good idea" I whisper and she look at me confuse

Mir= omg, he hasn't tell me anything, why? Did he hurt you?" Mirna ask and I shake my head

U= no, he just wasn't accepting my job and we knew it's wasn't gonna work out" I said and she nod pulling me to the front desk

Mir= why is that? Where do your work?" Mirna ask me

U= I work as a waitress in a club and mattia didn't like the idea" I said and she nod

We payed for or thing and I help her out her bags in her car

Mir= let me help yo clean your hand" I nod and we got in my car and she start cleaning my hand

Mir= why haven't you been going to the dinners?" Mirna ask me

U= what dinners?" I ask and whine cause it was hurting

Mir= my family and your dads new family, we have been having dinners together every Sunday night" I didn't know, mattia never told me

U= I just don't have the greatest relationship with my dads new family so I prefer to work" mirna frown but nod

Mir= you should talk to him, you can't be alone, nini is not gonna come until next year right?" I nod and Mirna finish cleaning my hand

We said bye and she went home, I went back to my house, I was to lazy to clean the wall so I just went up to my room

Maybe I should go back to my dad, his the only person I have now, if it doesn't work I would just come back here, tomorrow is Friday so I would just talk to him after school.......


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