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Magi pov

I got to the club and walk in from the back, i went to the office owner, and saw Miguel making out with a girl on his lap, but stop he when he saw me

M=come back later" he said to the girl and she nod before walking out

U=hey, long time no see" i said sitting in the chair in front of him

M=get to the point magi" he said while grabbing  a drink

U=Tata die 3 months ago, my dad got a new family they are asshole to me and nini, we move out and i need a job" i said while grabbing a drink too

M=I though you dad said, we would. Never talk again" he said smirking

U=I know he never like the idea of is dating while your 4 years older then me" I said looking down while we bitch softly laugh

M=what work would you want?" he ask while taking a folder from his table

U=what do you have?" i said leaning forward to see the papers

M=waitress $30 the hour, stripper $100 the hour,  lap dances $30 each dance, dealer $100 the kg" he said while passing me the folder

U=I can take 2 job for you, and work at the market too?" i ask him and he nod, i keep looking at how many money I would get

U=i would get the waitress, and the dealer" i said and Miguel pass me a pen

M=sign it, just so you know the minors can enter and drink only on Saturdays  night" he said and I nod reading the paper

After i sign what i needed to sign, Miguel told me the rules and my hours of work, i would be working Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday's night, so i could go out on Friday

M=see you tomorrow at 8pm I would text you what you need to wear" he said and i nod, we said our bye and i walk out from the back and get on my car, I drive to the house and check on nini before going to bed....

Next morning.......

I got up, take a shower and put this on

I walk down made breakfast for nini and leave her a note before driving to school thank god my Tata put his car in my name and its already fully pay so i don't have to worry

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I walk down made breakfast for nini and leave her a note before driving to school thank god my Tata put his car in my name and its already fully pay so i don't have to worry

I got to school and went to my locker, and saw the boys, I roll my eyes and push them away from my locker i open it and grab what i needed

K=you said you were gonna go out with us today" kairi said while I bend down

Ale=why don't you use short under your skirt" ale ask while looking at my skirt

U=why would I? They wasted time when you need to take them off" i said amd closed my locker

Alv=so you are going out with us?" alvaro ask walking beside me

U=what's today?" i ask while grabbing my phone

M=Wednesday" Mattia said making me stop walking, they stop to and look at me confuse

U=i can't go out today" i said start walking again

D=nice body magi" David said from his locker and i give him the middle finger

K=what?why? You said you could" i sigh and look at kairi

U=look kairi, yes you give me pleasure that night and all you want but i said a lot of thing and i never do them" I said and kairi roll his eyes

R=just say why you can't" Robert said smiling

U=i have to work, I start at 4pm and end at 11pm" i said looking at my clock

Ale=don't worry we would visit you" ale said and i just fake smile and walk away from them


Miguel text me telling me that he leave some drug in my car, so right now i am on mu way to my car

I open it and look around, i was looking in the backsit, fron the door, my ass was out while half of my body was in the car

K=what are you looking for" kairi said from behind me, he grab my hip and act like he was hitting it from behind

U=stop kairi, i am not looking for anything" I said while fully getting out of the car and closed the door

Alv=we are gonna go out and eat, come with us?" he ask with puppy eyes i roll my eyes and nod, they start getting on my car i sigh and get on too


We all walk in McDonald's and a group of girl were looking at us, i ignore them and walk to the desk to order

C=oh it you again" the men from the other day making me smile

U=yes its me, can-"

Mi=what good baby" i hear Miguel said from behind us, i turn around and saw him sitting there with one feet cross

U=hey" I wave and half smile,he got up and walk to me leaving the boys confuse on what is going on

MI=don't be shy, i would pay for you guys" he said and pick my lips, he smirk and i smile and continues to order then the boys order and Miguel payed

We all sit in a table while i was sitting in Miguel lap, the boys look scare of him but i didn't think anything of it, i saw kairi looking down at my thigh i look down and saw Miguel hand close to my pussy but i didn't do anything

Ale=how is nini?" ale ask me trying to break the silence

U=she is doing okay, she is gonna move to Mexico next Monday" I said and he nod not knowing what to do

Mig=i have to go, you know how wife are? See you tonight" Miguel said and i got up, he pick my lips and put $1000 on the table before walking out of McDonald and drive away after getting on his car

I sit down and put the money on my bag, while tbe boys look at me confuse

Rs=he has a wife?" Roshuan ask me and i nod while eating

Alv=and he kiss you?" alvaro ask and i nod again

Ale=is he like your sugar daddy, and your his side's chick?" Ale ask i was about to answer but i didn't know the answer either

U=i don't think so, we have never slept together" I said and he nod slowly

K=why did hr give you a lot of money" kairi ask me

U=I work for him that all i am gonna say" i said and they nod

M=one let question?" mattia said more like a question

U=hit me" i said back

M=how do you guys know?" he ask

U=we date a couple of years ago, but i was 13 and he was 17 and my dad didn't like that at all" i said and they nod......

After school i got ready for my job in the mini market, it was chill nothing happen it was really quiet until.......

Guys what the fuck i though I was updating this story, and it turn that i was writing in another story, my bad sorry but vote and comment what should happen next

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