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Magi pov

we ignore each other in school, the boys only say 'hi' or 'good morning' I don't judge them, they were friends with Mattia first, I still don't know who the other girl is and I kind of don't want too.

Mattia talked some shit about me, changing half of the story saying I cheated on him and he broke up with me, the boys don't say anything or hype mattia about it

I post a picture on my spam since I took almost everyone but my friends and family and some of Kairi's and ale's fans

I post a picture on my spam since I took almost everyone but my friends and family and some of Kairi's and ale's fans

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2 months

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2 months

Today I have another appoitment so me and dominic are on our way to my appoitment, and its almost christm-

D= here we are"

We went in and Mrs.V did her job, write some notes and put the cream on my belly

V= In the second month of pregnancy, the baby's heart beats. the face is outlined, eyes are formed. He already has eyelids. In addition, his legs and arms grow, and his internal organs and brain develop"

D= Wait wait wait is a boy?"

V= We still don't know but I would use a he or him for the moment"

3 months

My family came over for new year and we had a party but I couldn't drink at all which was sad because everyone but kids were drinking.

Today I have another appoitment, I am just waiting for Mrs.V to check me.

V= In the third month of pregnancy, the embryo is called a fetus. This stage is known as the fetal period, since the fetus begins to have a human form. Fingernails begin to appear on the fingers and toes. Your baby reaches 10 centimeters in size and weighs 50 grams. It is a small earthquake that moves without stopping within you, although you still cannot notice it, okey?"

 It is a small earthquake that moves without stopping within you, although you still cannot notice it, okey?"

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