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Magi pov.

S= Magi Gildo your checking out"

I got up and put my stuff in my bag before walking out of the classroom, I put my stuff in my locker and walk to the office.

Nini was there with my dad, she told her yesterday my dad was mad but Nini didn't care and told me I shouldn't care either.

we got in my dad's car and he drive us to my appoitment with a awkwards silence.

My dad stayed in the car since he didn't stand seeing me, nini went inside with me, I told my name to the girl in the front desk and she told me to wai.

Later on they call my name and we went to the room, Mr.V walk in and we said hi to each other while nini took a sit next to me

V= Your a month right?" Mr.V ask me grabbing some stuff from a box.

U= Yeah, well its been 4 weeks" She nod and give me a smile

V= I would put this on your stomach to check on the baby, its kind of cold" I nod and she start putting some cream on my belly and it was cold asf.

V= Okey we are gonna check with this" I nod and she start moving the little machine around my belly while looking at her computer.


V= Okey, some thing you should know, in the first month, after fertilization, the egg reaches the uterus and its implantation in the uterine cavity begins. The embryo will take on the appearance of a disk. The neural tube is formed and a bulging limb begins to be seen that is the head" Mr.V said while checking her notes.

That was a lot to take in, I didn't understand half of everything she said but I still nod.

U= Thank you Mr.V'' I smile putting my shirt down while getting off the bed.

V= No problem, they would give you your next appointment in the front desk" We thank her one last time before walking out of that room.

We went to the front desk and ask for my next appoitment, Nov, 15, 20

We went back to the car and my dad drive us to my house still in the awkward silence.

U= Thank you dad" He nod and drive off, I sigh and went inside my house up to my room.

I put a reminder on my phone for the next appoitment because I always forget about my meeting or appoitments.

by now it was 2 almost 3 pm and the boys skipped last period so they are on their way to my house, Mattia said he has the pill already.

I am still scare and nervous, this decision is gonna be in my mind for the rest of my life, I want to keep it but at the same time I don't.

I have 5 days to decide if I want to have it or not keep it, I can try and change his mind but once Mattia has his mind on something no one can chnage his decision.

K= Hello!! how is the baby" Kairi ask walking in my room with the others behind him.

He walk directly to me and try to rub my belly but I push his hand, I don't want people touching my belly.

U= No, I don't want people touching my belly"

K= So Is it a boy or a girl?"

U= I still don't know, I am only a month only her or his head is form"

M=Here princess" Mattia said putting a bag with 2 pills inside

U= thank you" I said with a small smile putting the bag in my bedside table.

D= Gonna be in my room" We wave bye at him and he went to his room.

A= So ...... no names still?" Ale ask sitting on my sofa and went through his phone.

M= we are not gonna have it" Mattia said while texting on his phone.

There was this silence, it made me uncomfortable and nervous a lot.

M= lets do this one" Mattia said smaking Kairi's head, they both got up and start dancing.

Than ale join them, they went a live and talk about some tea, Kairi told me more about this Emily girl.

I was jut sitting down on my bed going through my phone, I wasn't even listening to the videos, I was just thinking how my future would be if I keep it or if I don't ....

...... NEW STORY IS UP!!!

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