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Magi pov.

M= Its a good prank but lets not joke about this"  Mattia said putting the pregnancy back in the box.

U= its not a prank"  I whisper grabbing the box from his hand and put it on my bag.

M= oh"  Mattia said stretching the back of his neck and looking away from me.

U= Thats all your gonna say?"  I whisper getting off his lap and sit next to him.

M= it was broken"  Mattia whisper playing with his fingers.

U= what?"

M=  Ah? Nothing, I was talking to myself"  Mattia said cleaning his throat.

And then it hit me, a fucking condoms was broken and fucking Mattia knew!! he  keep it on a secret!!

U= The condom was b-''

M= yes"  Mattia cut me off and I felt my blood boil while I try to stay calm.

U= Why! Why didn't you tell me? and why did you fucking continue if you knew!?"  I whisper yell.

M= I didn't know until we were cleaning up, the condom had cu-''

U= and why did you use a b-''

M= I didn't fucking know!! Maybe it was because it had been in my wallet for a some months"

U= Mattia ........ your so stupid, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!"  I yell crossing my arms.

M= No it wasn't Its not my fault that your give in!!"

U= Because you use my feeling against me WE ARE TOXIC!!"

M= NO we are not! and we are not having that thing!"

U= I am, I don't care what you think!" I yell before getting off my car grabbing my stuff.

I wipe my tears while walking towards school, first period was over by now, so I walk to second period.

I took my sit and later on Mattia walk in sitting on his spot .... next to me then dominic walk in and sit in front of me.

D= Hi, how did it went?"  Dominic ask with a smile showing his white teeths.

U= we end up having sex and yell at each other"  I said rolling my eyes.

D= The same thing as always"  Dominic said and I nod going through my phone.

The class started and Mattia would apologize to me every 5 minutes but I ignore him and continue with my work, the teacher would ask me if the class was to loud or if I was okey, I hate it thankfully is senior year.


We were all walking to my car but Kairi who we couldn't find but text him to meet us in the car.

A= so your pregnant?"  Ale ask me for the third time and I nod again and he once again laugh.

A= Thats crazy bro"

D= Shut the fuck up dude, I am tired of you already" Dominic said rolling his eyes.

A= you shut the fuck"

D= Make me asshole!" Dominic said, there was this tension I didn't know if it was bad or good.

M= kiss already"  Mattia said with his arms around my shoulder i keep pushing them off but he wouldn't stop.

K= HI Magi!!"  Kairi yell walking to us with his bag on his hand.

A= WHy does she only gets a hi?"  Ale said and kairi give him the finger.

K= Look what I got for junior Kairi"  Kairi said taking out some blue baby shoes.

U= Thank you Kairi, I still don't know if its gonna be a boy but I am pretty sure he is not gonna be junior Kairi" I said grabbing the shoes and look at them.

M= yeah boy don't get comfortable she would maybe not keep it"

U= get off me"  I said rolling my eyes pushing his arms off me.

M= Chill out princess"  Mattia smile putting them back on my shoulder.

K= What about samuel?"

U= We would see"

A= what no!! Alejandro is so much better!"  Ale said pushing Kairi.

D= Not even, dominic sounds better"

M= Mattia junior"   Mattia said giving all of them the middle finger.

U= No! its a no for everyone of you" I said before getting on my car.

They got in my car too and I drive us to my house while singing and talking tea about other people.

We got to my house and we all got off the car, we walk in the house and said hi to nini before going up to my room.

D= I am gonna be in my room"  Dominic said and we all nod before he walk out.

A= I am using the bathroom" Ale said before walking out too.

We were all in our phone talking dryly to each other until Kairi got a call.

M= Princess'' Mattia said making me look up from my phone to him.

U= what?"  I said looking back down to my phone but he took it away.

M= Do you really want to have it? Just think about it our age is not helping at all, we don't have jobs, we still live with our parents, we have collage still, we don't really know about babys, we are fucking teenagers!"  Mattia whisper yell and it was kind of true.

U= okey"  I whisper.

M= your not having it? I can get you the pill its still early"  I just nod and grab my phone.

K= I have to go home, see you guys later"   Kairi said grabbing his bag.

U= Okey, bye"  He wave bye before walking out of the room.

M= Whats with you and Kairi?"  Mattia asl grabbing me by my cheeks and made me look at him.

U= What do you mean?"  I ask pushing his hand off my face.

M= you guys have been really close"

U= No man, don't come at me with your jealous things and trust issues"

M= Just asking you guys had something before me and you"

U= A one night thing so shut the fuck"  I said rolling my eyes while he sigh.

M= Okey, I am going home, have to help my mom" Mattia said getting up.

U= okey, bye"  He said it back before grabbing his stuff and walk out of my room.

I sigh before going to look for dominic because ale was doing his things in the bathroom problaly.

.... teacher one ✨

Also magi is gonna be a counter and mattia a teacher, the baby is gonna be 5

And ideas for the sequel?

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