Chapter Four

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"Ferretkit, time to get up.." A gentle voice said. Ferretkit's eyes fluttered open. Immediately, the bright light of the sun flickered into her green eyes. She hissed, covering her face with her paws. A paw nudged her soft stomach lightly, "Ferritkit, it's time to wake up.." She hissed again, "Fine, I'm up. Happy?" Spottedpetal chuckled, "very. Now run along and go play with your friends." She nodded, heading out of the nursery swiftly. The morning sun greeted her eyes as cats padded around frantically. Worried mutters passed through the Clan. Beestar stepped onto high rock, his tail lashing back and forth, "Cats of SkyClan! Do not panic! We'll find Wolfkit soon enough." He looked down at his clan, "I'll make sure of it…" 
"What if Nightcry took him!" Someone muttered
"Don't be ridiculous, Tallblossom!" Another cat muttered.
Ferretkit stood there, frozen with shock. I wake up, go outside, and learn that one of my friends is missing… More worried mutters filled the camp, overwhelming her small head. She glanced at the entrance, "I have to do something…." She murmured. With that, she looked around, making sure no one was noticing her. Everyone seemed to be doing their own things. Coalpaw was attempting to calm down Swiftpaw. "Swiftpaw, calm yourself!" He hissed. He continued to mutter, panicking. Beestar was chatting quietly with Bloodmoon. If she listened closely, she could here the panicked tone in his voice. It's now or never….
"Ferretkit! What are you doing?!" Shadowpaw's soft squeal was heard. She dashed out of camp and into the territory of her clan, which was unknown to her. But she didn't stop there. She had to find Wolfkit. Soft swift paws were heard from behind her. She had to do this quickly. Her paws carried her until they couldn't no more. Trees and bushes brushed passed her as she ran through her Clan's territory. Shadowpaw was right behind her, running past the thistles as they pricked her dark gray fur. Ferretkit sped up as Shadowpaw caught up. Nothing was heard in the forest. Nothing but the sound of her soft paws hitting the hard ground. Her breathing seemed to speed up as she felt weight beneath her paws. Oh, Where are you Wolfkit?? A loud cry was heard in the distance, far off into the woods and deep into Skyclan territory. Wolfkit!!
Her paws seemed to speed up as the weight beneath her seemed to disappear. She was going to save her friend, her clanmate and denmate. "Ferretkit!!!" Shadowpaw's yowl was heard from behind. She ignored her, and continued running. She had to, she just had to save Wolfkit. Large stones and rocks were scattered all around. Wolfkit's gray fur was stained with a dark crimson. Ferretkit gasped in horror and basically jumped to his side. Tears fell out of her eyes quickly. His foot was twisted to the other side. It looked to be broken, his bone was clearly shown. Blood poured from his leg swiftly, falling onto the soft green grass, "Wolfkit!!" Ferretkit cried in horror. He coughed, trying to speak but couldn't. She gently put her paw on his stomach, rolling him softly toward her. Now she could clearly see his injured leg. She gagged, almost throwing up. Dirt entered the gash, making him whine in pain. Shadowpaw panted, catching her breath as she stopped near the two, "Ferretkit!!" She huffed out, dashing to her side, "Ferretkit! Finally caught you! Just wait until- OH MY STARCLAN, WOLFKIT!" She screamed in terror when her yellow eyes gazed at his leg, "Oh my, we have to get him to Featherwish and fast!" She began to pick him up. A growl was heard from behind the three cats. Ferretkit turned to where the growl was heard, making them all freeze with fear. Time seemed to slow down as a large brown and black dog came out of its den. Its claws were unsheathed, blood around his muzzle. It leaped towards her in slow motion, its claws aiming towards her.  "Ferretkit! Watch out!" 
Just like that, everything turned to a blur, then black.

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