Chapter Sixteen

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Ferretpaw sat near the riverbank, looking deep into the depths of the water. The sunlight shimmered down into the river, as it gently flowed. Lately, Brooklight has been acting strange. She has been spending little time training Ferretpaw, and was almost always out of camp. Fishpelt has been training Ferretpaw, which would be fine if she didn't have to see Shadowpaw. Guilt crept into her, she looked at her reflection in the river, Who even am I? Her eyes were dull with grief, Why am I even here? 

"Ferretpaw?" A gentle voice was heard. Wolfpaw came out of the bushes, "Are you okay?" He asked, concern filling his voice.
Her fur started bristling, she shot him a glare, "Stay out of my fur!" She spat. 

He frowned, "Ferretpaw," He murmured, "It's been moons…" He put his paws on hers, "The dog attack is long gone, we're apprentices now," He said gently, "Why won't you talk to me?" 
She looked into his blue eyes. For a heartbeat, they stayed like this. Guilt crept inside of her. She looked at the scar on his leg. It was faded, but you can tell it was there. An unexpected anger swelled up inside her, Why doesn't he understand? All of this is my fault! 

She pushed the gray furred tom away, her fur bristling, "Why should you care? It's not your business, it's mine!" She snarled, her teeth bared. He flinched, then glared at her, "I want to help you, You're my friend! But clearly, you think you don't need any help. You just want to build up your sorrow! Well, guess what? Nothing's going to help you when you need it if you just push them out of your way! And if you want to be a warrior then act you age" 

Ferretpaw flinched. His words hurt like thorns burying deep into her skin. They echoed in her ear, Act your age!
Wolfpaw's gaze one her softened, "Look, I know you're still recovering from the attack when we were kits," He murmured, "But you have to let it go.."
When she didn't answer, his gaze clouded with tears, "Please Ferretpaw," She felt his tail gently wrap around her, "For me.."

Ferretpaw hissed in his face, backing away from him, "I don't need you! I'm fine on my own!" She spat in his face, "You should just mind your business for once, Wolfpaw!" 
Wolfpaw's eyes were filled with hurt as she continued, "I'm tired of everyone thinking I can't take care of myself! I'm not a weak little kit, so stop treating me like one!" She unsheathed her claws, "Why don't you start acting like an apprentice and tend to your duties instead of getting distracted." She growled in his face.

Wolfpaw hung his head low. He turned around and headed back toward camp. He glanced back at Ferretpaw, his gaze filled with pain. He turned around and silently went back to camp. Ferretpaw watched with sorrow, her paws wanting to chase after him, but it was like they were glued to the ground. She turned back to the water, feeling more and more alone without Wolfpaw.
It's for the best……...

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