Chapter 1: The Seekers

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"LINSY" My cousin Vanessa echeos my name from upstairs, making me spill a little of my coco on the floor. My hardwork wasted! I rush upstairs only to find her room resembling a tornado struck city. My mum also rushes to the scene.

"Why? what happened?!" I yelled at Vanessa who hid herself in the closet.

"Oh, hurricane sandy definitely went window shopping in your room cause this place is a mess!"  My younger brother, Liam said peeking from a little gap between me and mum.

"Aunt Stephanie, a rat! A really big rat was chasing me all around the room it was like really-"

" just get out of the closet and clean up this mess you shenanigan species!"

My mum said giving Vanessa a dangerous look, the kind of look your mum gives you to tell you not to collect something.

After mum went downstairs to make breakfast Vanessa immediately ushered me to come closer like she wants to show me something, and she did. A book with glowing green gems on it.

"VANESSA! Why did you keep that! I thought i told you to put it away!"

Let me pause and explain how this mess happened.

Last summer school......

Me and Vanessa were on a field trip to explore a forest or mother nature's hair, our bus parked by the road because an indescribable elegant peafowl messed up the bus with a sonic wave consuming everyone's peace and i believe we know what it is, while everyone was searching for pure air, i and Vanessa wandered off into the woods and we walked to a point we got lost.

  "Vanessa we should be heading back to the bus, they should be leaving by now" I said hurriedly, I really don't want to be left behind, I can barely run 100 metres not to talk of the nearest stop in the middle of the woods.

   "Relax babe we're gonna be fine, I got this" she says boasting. I'm dead. I rested my case until the case hit me right in the head when I jammed an enormous bear, but this ain't no ordinary bear folks! This bear had grey fur, big luggage sized paws and was visibly hungry. I don't want to imagine how the claws will be!

  "Vanessa you know when you said that you got this.."


" I d-don't think so.."

     Vanessa turns around making a 'waaaaaa' sound, i looked into the bear's eyes and I instantly felt this shock wave going to and fro in my nerves like a rollercoaster on high speed, I felt dizzy at a point then something spoke to me saying faintly yet strong "run don't look back, run don't look back"  after that voice roamed around my head for a bit.

I walked to Vanessa, grabbed her hand, Vanessa immediately set her timer for who knows why and with the speed of light I dashed to the school bus just in time for take off. I stepped into the bus and Vanessa told me I ran 20sec on a 500 metres distance on foot, I didn't believe though!

We got our seat and got ready for our next destination.


" Oh where"

" NO, DUCK!"

But it was too late lacie and her demonic friends has succeeded in making me see stars with a shoe, " how did you know it was coming! " looking at her like heaven " I don't know I just felt it coming!"
         30 minutes later that day
" No no no!" Vanessa says I take a peep in the bathroom and Vanessa's hair is green from the bottom right up to the middle but wait till you see mine, Vanessa turns around and freezes" what's wrong"

" your h-hair its ......"

  " is it falling!"

" it's petrol blue" let's just get this over with and before I slept that night I found a stupid book called S.B.S ( Sacred Book of Satsmitten), helpful but quite stupid and it gave me nightmares so I buried it at the backyard.

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