Chapter 17: ALIVE?

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The school bell rings for the end of school and it's Friday! What nudgy said is still not to true to believe, how can Mason date someone like that! That stinky brat that he knows is my Nemesis! I, Liam and Vanessa are on our way back home, Vanessa is here still trying to download and process what nudgy said to me, Liam is asleep so he didn't hear any of the things we said, Vanessa is still ranting about what she said, she kept on ranting till we finally got to my room and she finished her sentence with ' that son of a biscuit!' I laugh at her insults as I throw myself on my swivel chair twirling around until I come to a stop at my table to charge my phone there, Vanessa collapses on the bed texting me that is just two feet away from her, we kept doing this for a long time before mum announces the start of dinner.

  Once we got to the dining table, we prayed and ate, Liam stabs the bacon with his fork making a 'click' on his plate, me and my mum watch Liam brutally murdering the poor bacon on his plate stuffing his face with all the pieces on the plate, Vanessa let's out a giggle making Liam look up, his cheeks turn red in embarrassment, everyone, including him, laughs at his eating, a comfortable silence fell after that, I'd just finished eating and decided to look at my phone for a bit before I leave the dining room, I scanned the room to look at my beautiful dining room, before I look outside, my heart raced, I saw a something slide across the windows but before I could tell my parents or even make a comment, a red light flashed across the room, it didn't affect me or my Vanessa but my parents and Liam were hanging on their chairs like ragdolls.

  I am so scared I could shit in my pants! Vanessa pulls me of my chair, and into the kitchen, a dark shadow walks in, we throw all sorts of cutleries, I even threw a knife it caught it and held it like it was needed, my back hit the counter with Vanessa holding my shoulder trying to jump on it, it walks close to me that if I moved one bit we would be kissing...eew! The thing dragged me and Vanessa's arm nearly bruising it.

"You guys should call your jumping shits down or I swear I'll stab you!"

" Wait... MASON!?" Me and Vanessa say in unison, we reached the front of the house, he opens the ground, like practically separating it half, something I wished could happen when I get embarrassed, when the whole school is laughing at me, when I fell like I'm a jerk happened. He threw us Inside and jumped in before the ground closed, it felt like we for falling for infinity!

Mason looked stern while me and Vanessa where acting like sky divers without parachute, we finally came to a stop, me and Vanessa hit hard, while Mason on the other hand looked like he wasn't in the mood to take shit! even a baby would cry when he sees the look in his face, but it was scary but it would be better if he had a scar slanting across his right jokes though!

Sarah helps me up, as I dust myself clean, we are at the forest but somewhere else but looks familiar, Mason runs forward with out a sign or warning, Sara signals us to follow! We catch up to him and all the girls jaw dropped including me, our hide out is like world war II battle field, trees are set ablaze, purple flames everywhere and for some reason I take of my gloves to see the mark in my palm before putting it back on, it kinda hurts, everywhere is wrecked!

"Whoa..what happened!? Vanessa comments surveying everywhere. Mason bends down and places two fingers on what I think looks like blood or tar I don't know and smells it.

"She came." Who came?

"Saphiral.....she came." Now that explains it. Saphiral, Mason's Godmurderer.. came here...I still don't get it!

"Well what was she looking for..shit!" I came back to my senses, I run towards brizzle's Stump and fall inside, I pull out all his books until I found what I was looking for.. the S.B.S! Phew! Sara let's out a sigh of relief before climbing back up, Sara opens a portal and jumps inside, followed by Mason, then me and Vanessa, I still don't understand where all of...THIS! going to! But his time we are at the from of a deserted duplex but in Satsmitten, the door carpet is written in another language that's how I knew. I walk inside the probably 1954 looking house with a fireplace that is now home for spiders, I find my way upstairs to a room that looked like it belonged to a three year old, it a lot of dusty toys and an old dusty bed, I walk over to the closet, I opened it and a cloud of dust landed right on my face, and cough and sneeze so hard making me cry, I try keeping myself steady and pull out a camping bag and dust the hell out of it before running downstairs to look for fresh air, Vanessa walks up to me and cleans the dust off my face since I felt numb not even don't even knowing where my eyes and hands are anymore because of the dust.

I put the S.B.S in the bag before heading out with everyone, each and every one of us had a bag but the separate stuff needed and snacks obliviously, I took surprisingly a snicker bar, two blue bomb drinks, a pack of sausages and eggs with a lot of fruits! And a blanket toothbrush and past and all other things I needed, Mason told us to pack well actually, something's up with him but I won't find out, I don't want him to chicken out in me!

11:40 ( APPROXIMATELY)....

The moon has already started to find it's place In the sky and we are still walking to only God knows where! Wherever Mason goes we follow, he's like our mother duck and we're the ducklings...and it's a little frustrating

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