Chapter 10: I deserved it

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I wince at the sunlight that passed through the window as fresh air flowed in, every thing is blurry and milky in color my vision isn't just working right.

"Momma, She's awake!" Liam stares at me with hint of fear in his eyes I see the cup stuff over my nose Vanessa rushes through the door my mum trailed behind her my eyes stop to my hands covered in bandage making me look like a half wrapped mummy. My mum wraps me in her arms she's so warm.

"Hey linsy, your finally awake after all these days, I bought you something " she smiles pulling out a box of Snickers I smile at her, a tear escape the corner of my eye rolls down my cheeks.

"Unfortunately, you can't eat it until next week, but its worth it" liam says with a happy smile shone across his face he is so cute it reminds me of mason, why isn't he here? I want to see him even if he hurt me so hard, I feel bad for him the way Vanessa scolded him, it was kinda funny though.

"Linsy I've got a surprise for you" my mum peeps, opens the door revealing a huge man with a baseball ball cap, cameo top and trousers and  black hair.


"Yes sweetie, I came home and I'm staying with you until you recover okay, daddy's here." He gives me a reassuring smile as he cleans the tears rolling down my cheeks.

My dad works at a military base no matter how far he goes or how much he works he always makes time for us. He even left for a mission for the rest of his crew once to leave for Liam's first birthday and he bought him a tricycle that he still keeps in the garage and rides all around the house after school, he turns to my hand takes it gently and kisses it.

"I've done my part of healing, now the doctors do the rest!" I giggle staring at the chain in his hand.

"Oh and I bought this for you but this isn't what you have to wait for to wear...."

"Hey I tried my best you know" Vanessa punches my father in the arm he giggles and hangs it around his finger he opens a heart at the end of the chain, a sprocket, five people's name are on it, Laura, Liam,  Laurence, me and vanessa with a little space for one more name. Its really colorful looking like a rainbow but on a chain he hangs it around my neck and kisses my forehead.

"The last space is the person you want to spend the rest of your days with, it's only one space for a reason and I want you to find out" he says

"Dad what about my adventure? You didn't give me anything!" Liam squirms and jumps on my dads laps and he handed liam a tolled piece of paper.

"Let's go treasure hunting shall we?"

"Yayyy! Come on momma let's go!" Liam and my parents dash out of the room leaving me and Vanessa in an awkward moment of silence she brings up a topic about a movie, detective pickachu, i didn't talk so I gave her facial expressions making her guess, it was a lot of fun until a nurse came in to tell Vanessa the visiting hour was over, I cursed her life for her to interrupt our precious moment.

"Next time we meet we'll have a real word talk, ok stay safe" she waves good bye, a tear rolls down her eyes as she closed the door.

  When I recover from this shit, we are going for a family vacation for sure!


I wake up with a smile spreading across my face to find out I'm breathing without support. A nurse arranges my drip seeing me awake she giggles, her dimples make me giggle too

"Morning my littlest gummy bear! How was your night?"

" *giggles* it was great thank you" I say as she examines my hand my heart races hoping to hear good news for it, I wince as she removes my bandage, I surprised myself , I never knew I had a cast on my left ankle that must be from mason pushing me towards the locker, my back also aches. The nurse rubs a cream around my hand my skin color is surprisingly still intact but palm has a scar, a pretty one but deep.

"Well, applying this cream will sure to reduce the pain and prevent it from swelling, and your back has no problem by the way, just muscles resuming for work on a monday!" She's nice!

"Turn over " I turn to my side then I realized I'm not wearing as anything apart from my underwear

       Shit! Pls don't pass your boundary!

She unties my hospital dress and she puts her hand and rubs it along my back she only viewed my back.

      Thank the Lord!

She didn't take long on my back, grabs a towel and cleans my hair with it drying it and making it look messy but soft, she grabs her bag, opens it and pulls out a hair straightener.

"Don't tell anyone about this okay?" She smirks at me I nod as she plugs it in and straigtens it and made it curly at the end i was in love with myself!

"There, all pretty! Wait here while I'll go get a wheel chair! We're going for a walk!" I love this nurse

      I Swear if they fire her for straightening my hair I swear I'll curse the generation of this hospital!

At the park

She walks me into the hospital park, I enjoy the breeze that blows through me I felt bored so I tried to move my hand, I lift it up- no problem! To turn- I don't want to talk about it, I bend my head to look at the scar I stick my tongue out, the nurse just smiles, then someone calls name I turn around the park is filled with kids and conversations so i ignore.

"Linsy, he's calling" she says nodding towards her front.

"Jayson?....Jayson! What are you doing here? I thought you left I mean visiting hours start tomorrow!" He Slows his pace, I see a cast in his forearm, he is holding a parcel in the other arm.

"Hey, i came to get a cast for my forearm, your ankle...sprained?"

"Broken actually."

"Oh um I'm Jayson her senior in school" he says putting his hand forward to shake my nurse and she accepted I stare at their hand shake for a second, the urge to interrupt was strong.

"So! What do you have there?" I stare at the parcel in a confusing way.

"Oh I brought you gummy bears to thank you for what you did last week I'm really grateful and I'm sorry for teasing you and mason so hard, he almost devoured me back there...anyways there you go" he hands me the parcel, I hide my face to the side hoping to understand why I can't collect it.

"Oh your hand" he hands the gift to me nurse and pulls out a pen and signs on it linsy bolts underlining the bolts.

"Get well soon, see ya"

"B -Bye" I stare at him so confused.

Jayson apologized, Jayson smith said sorry!? this isn't real!

             snap out of it girl!

     No I would not you crazy mind! no I will not!

           You're so stubborn.

I hate my mind but she's lovingly the opposite of me!

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