Chapter 6: I care about you.

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Three weeks later

Me and mason have been having fun on the past three weeks, even if I just discovered he is one year older than me. He is fifteen.

Brizzle just told Vanessa that there's another mean thing is coming but this one is more deadly and dangerous than the first ones, I was so annoyed that I asked brizzle who was this bucket of rotten tomatoes that are sending these asteroids to look for us, but we thought they were just another group of rats. Mason became nervous, Vanessa took him to a boxing ring where she practices and thought him, fortunately he has really heavy blows that you do not want to mess with.

Today I saw mason hanging out with some guys and he suddenly turned brutal at a guy but less attention to that right now at brizzle I'm struggling on how to get a dog off me. They are like zombie dogs from I am legend but this ones have hair. Vanessa almost got bitten by one and the dogs also have the same green googly eyes as the mouse and once again we threw these once in a nearby mud pool then in the book.

After school

Mason looks sad and all and I've finally gotten over him I saw him smooching with another girl now I'm back to the real world! Hmm no nervous tingle in my hands and no butterflies, he also burnt my hand when tried to stop him from punching someone.
Have you ever felt that The person you like is liking someone else right in front of you. If yes....... sorry, if no you're lucky! But its still coming for ya.

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